Posted 10 years ago
(759 items)
I have searched high and low for a few months now and with little success about this little elephant. He's steel grey and has a light iridescence. A clever piece of hot glass work. The label is very fresh so I do not believe him to be of any real age.
Reminds me of the Bosse figurines.
I'd appreciate any suggestions and comments!
H: 10 cm or 4"
W: 8.5 cm or 3.5"
many thanks AGHCOLLECT !!!!!
stunning!!!! Happy Easter!!!!!
Many thanks SEAN and Happy Easter to you too !!!!!
Your very welcome Kevin!!! and Thankyou Kevin ;)
Happy Easter vet ! and cute elephant :-)
Many thanks VIOLETORANGE and to you too MANIKIN !!!!!
Stunning -- He is a Keeper !!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE & HO2CULTCHA !!!!!
He is perfect!
Many thanks KAREN !!!!!
Many thanks MIKELV !!!!!
Many thanks DON !!!!!
I hope your Easter was a special one:)
Many thanks TREY, a very quiet one !!!!!!!
I cannot help but I truly love it it would look good in my little collection. I was looking at some old picture yesterday & forgot how many I had before the auction
Thanks for looking ZOWIE !!!!!
Many thanks ALAN !!!!!!!
Many thanks KYRATANGO !!!!!
I was going to say it's a pity I cannot read the base but I see you posted. Blind as a bat or thick as a brick I am. Secondly I'm glad to see it's trunk is up for luck. It's a beauty love it.
Many thanks ZOWIE, IVONNE 'n SKLO too !!!!!!
As always a pleasure
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!!
Many thanks INKY !!!!!!
Many thanks NORDICMAN !!!!!!
Many thanks GLASSIE & PETEY too !!!!!!!!
Many thanks VINTAGELAMP !!!!!!
Many thanks TONINO !!!!!!
Many thanks GLASSIE !!!!!
Many thanks NORDICMAN !!!!!
Many thanks REALARTNOPRINTS !!!!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!!!!
Many thanks SERGEY !!!!!!
It is precious!!
Many thanks VIRGINIA & KERRY too !!!!!
I seen a wonderful hand made wooden elephant the other day in a second hand store but they wouldn't sell it. I reckon it had my name on it so I had to buy a vintage brass bear & a hand carved Buffalo instead will get some pictures taken so I can post. I paid more for the bear then I usually do but I wanted it
Look forward to seeing them.
I took the pictures of the bear & Buffalo yesterday hoping to post today then I realised I still had a photo to take of a bracelet I scored so first chance I get I will take it so I can post. I hope you have some luck oh yeah & a cute little monkey I've had for a little while now also
Hope to see them soon, ZOWIE !!!!
Many thanks MACDADDYRICO !!! !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !!!
Many thanks BUCKETHEAD !!!
Many thanks WINDWALKER !!! !!! !!!