Posted 10 years ago
(955 items)
I'm not exactly sure why it is that there seem to be more of the SINC 1/2s of the Sinclair strip signs around than there are the LAIR 1/2s? At least we have found three SINC halves and had a really hard time finding the other half, LAIR? I just don't get it, except to say that "Murphy" seems to have gotten in to the Porcelain signs along with all the other things in our lives he messes up. In any event, this is a great example of another SINC 1/2 sign we have while we keep looking for the other half. We actually had someone from Arizona call us at aaalakeside Storage to tell us that they have the other half, but as luck would have it, the number was written down incorrectly by our manager as when we call it we find it doesn't work? Murphy at work again! The fun continues to be in the hunt so we will just keep on hunting till we find the other half. These Sinclair Strip signs are really Pretty signs with great colors.
Good Luck! I'd love to see you get a match for that.
We are still hunting for the other half of the Sinclair Sign and suggest u contact aaalakeside Storage in Provo to discuss and hopefully make a visit to see the collection I alone in thinking I'm sniffing little hints of "maybe Rattletrap is finally about to find the second half of his SINCLAIR sign"...???
<crossing fingers>
Maybe not? I see the msg was deleted by CW as it inferred that someone might actually help us find the missing section to our sign and be of help. Heaven forbid that might happen!