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Bohemian Art Glass4295 of 6914Tango bottom up spatter with a worked rimRindskopf Peach Oil Spot Vase
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (35 items)

    I always feel a bit ashamed when posting a Unsolved Mystery. For many of you this won't be a mystery at all, I suppose. But I just haven't been able to put a name to this decor. Initially, I was thinking Kralik Oil Spot, but it's not blue, peach or multi color and it doesn't match any of the Loetz Cisele pictures I have seen. So any help would be more than welcome!

    -seller's pics

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    1. LauraH LauraH, 10 years ago
      Thank you, Vetraio50
      Thank you, Aghcollect
      Thank you, GlueChip
      Thank you, Racer4four
      Thank you, Sklo42
      Thank you, Colori
      Thank you, Ivonne
    2. colori colori, 10 years ago
      The shape suggests that it is Králik.
    3. ardice, 10 years ago
      Wow, after months of searching I am surprised to see a vase like the one I own. The only difference is that mine is a little bit more on the blue side. There are no maker marks. I would love to know any new information you get about this item.

    4. LauraH LauraH, 10 years ago
      That's interesting, Ardice. I've never seen another one like this before.

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