Posted 10 years ago
(758 items)
Three months ago I found this little jug and I have been hunting high and low for an attribution for the design. But no luck!!! Goedewaagen, Koninklijke Hollandse Pijpen- en Aardewerkfabriek dates back to 1610. It is the largest of the ceramics factories in Gouda.
Perhaps someone on CW knows something about these "un-Gouda-like pieces"? Mind you I have been able to work out a little about them.
It seems they were part of a series of pieces that were designed by 'someone' during the years of the Great Depression. During the time period the factory was lead by Willem Hendrik van Norden (1883-1978). At one stage they were called in Dutch "crisis-aardewerk" crisis (or Depression) pottery.
What is new is that these days they are being referred to as "Experimenteel Kunstaardewerk" (Experimental Art Pottery). Goedewaagen's slogan these days tells you something about their 'bent': "Tomorrow's Design since 1610!" It seems that in their day they were as expensive as the hand decorated Gouda wares that we expect to see.
From my research on the net I have seen that there was a lecture on the topic at the Keramisch Museum Goedewaagen May 6, 2012.
It is mentioned here:…/lezingen-over-aardewerk-verni…/
Some FB friends in the Netherlands are helping me but perhaps some others here on CW can add something too?
I have my suspicions about Willem Stuurman. He did work for Goedewaagen for a short time.
There is an impressed 21 - a design number I think.
H: 9.5 cm or 3.75"
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT !!!!!!
Ahh, the form!!!
Many thanks KAREN.
A Persian influence ?
Many thanks IVONNE, MIKELV & SEAN B too !!!!!!
your very welcome Kevin!!!
Many thanks BLUNDERBUSS & ALAN too !!!!!!!
Many thanks TONINO !!!!!
Many thanks VINTAGELAMP & FANCIGIRL too !!!!
Stunning VET!!
One question....How do you say " AARDWERKFABRIEK GOEDEWAAGEN "
LOL..... ;-)))
Try this : arder/verk/fab/reek hoo/de/var/hun.
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE & MOON too !!!!!
LOL....I tried.
Don't think it sounded right.......or clean.....LOL
Quite a HOOT !!!
Many thanks INKY !!!!!!
Many thanks SMIATA, KYRATANGO, RICK & TOOLATE2 too !!!!!!!
Many thanks DON COBBER !!!!!!
Many thanks NORDICMAN !!!!!
Thanks again AUSTRO !!!!
Kevin what a nice piece, really love the colour.
Many thanks ALAN & MANIKIN !!!!!
Very beautiful!!
Many thanks VIRGINIA !!!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!
Many thanks SERGEY !!!!!
Many thanks MANIKIN !!!!!!!
Really nice :)
Many thanks LISE !!!!!
Many thanks PETEY !!!!!
Many thanks KYRATANGO !!!!!
Kevin, sorry missed this, really like the "Burnt" brown blending into the orange. Makes interesting contrast.
Many thanks KERRY !!!!
The design works well with those colours too !!!!!
Many thanks EZA !!!!
Many thanks AURA !!!!!
Many thanks VIRGINIAVINTAGE !!!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !!,!!!!,!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!!!!!
Many thanks Re In VINTAGE !!!!!!!!
Many thanks FRESHAIR & CINDIANAPOLIS !.!!!.!