Posted 10 years ago
(559 items)
I just know FortApache will guess this is my post when he sees the thumbnail - this just has to be a Japanese vase and that usually means me!
I really love the continuity of design from Japanese pottery to their glass.
This vase is the size of a large pot (28cm), has a pot shape, and of course, handles.
Other cultural influences also show up in their glass such as working strong colours in intricate design, then lifting it all with the addition of gold and beautifully wrought handles. Of course, being Japanese, it must be finished beautifully with a perfectly hot worked lip and a finely polished base.
Japanese glass is not to everyone's taste, I get that, but if it is viewed with your "Western" turned off, the beauty really shows !!
stunning vase!!
Love it, specially the swirl handles and stripes! Pretty beautiful :-)
Thanks for all the loves!
Thanks for your nice comment too Sean and Kyra.
Love it Karen!!! The gentle use of gold aventurine compliments -and does not overpower - the beautiful blue and black stripes!!! Wonderful piece...
Always so complimentary Rick! Thanks - this one is actually subtle compared to some lol!
Those scrolled glass handles are beautiful.
Beautiful glass!
Anne - these cat paw handles (my term) are beautiful aren't they! Thanks
Thanks too Miss Katherine - I know from your collection you love beautiful things!