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Large "Vendome"- Coro 3" Faux Jade Brooch / Circa 1950's-60's

In Costume Jewelry > Coro Jewelry > Show & Tell.
Coro Jewelry124 of 212Coro Brooch with RhinestonesVINTAGE -- Coro Brooch ( Marked )
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1232 items)

    Found this huge faux jade brooch at Salvation this morning. I really didn't know that Vendome is actually Coro's high end line of jewelry. It's marked in the upper right hand corner by the pin. Lot's of images online of this piece along with the necklace and earrings. I wasn't that lucky though just scored the brooch. Maybe the other pieces will turn up eventually. I don't watch "Mad Men" but Peter Campbell's mother-in-law wears this Vendome faux jade brooch and earring set, in Season 4, Episode 11. Interesting to see something you own being worn an a popular TV series and that wardrobe is using vintage pieces from that decade. -Mike-

    The Jewelry Lines and Marks
    Courtesy of

    Coro's mainstay products consisted of cast jewelry although stampings were also used. Coro marketed many so called lines of jewelry. Unique names were invented for the different lines depending on which type store would be selling them. Some stores would sell, or carry one or several lines but not certain others, and vice versa.
    The name and/or mark of each line was only important at that time for this reason:
    A store that sold, say, Coro-marked jewelry, was not allowed to carry Vendome mark jewelry. Vendome was Coro's better line, more costly. A better store would carry Vendome but would not want Coro [mark] because by the early 1950s it had come to represent a cheaper line.
    The later Coro lines, from 1950s and on, with the Coro mark on them, were only sold in general department stores. Better specialty stores such Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor, Dillard's, Bloomingdale's, Gum's, and other fine stores, would carry Vendome, Corocraft, Coro Sterling Craft but not plain Coro. These lines were pricier to appeal to the specialty store customer.
    But not necessarily all lines were produced at the Coro plant, some were made by other manufacturing contractors, such as the Hedison Co. in Providence. Some lines were even imported, including lower-priced items with a Coro hangtag which also had the country of origin printed on the reverse.

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Very interesting, very beautiful and good score :-)
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thank you Ken and Kyra :)
    3. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Very nice it reminds me of one that Moonstonelover has.
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thank you Zowie :)
    5. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Well done mikelv85 good find!!....:-)
    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks so much inky :)
    7. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Val :)...I may have to start watching Mad Men. My friend loves it and is always talking about what season he's watching. I'd have to see it from the beginning though. It would be fun to see some of the clothes, jewelry, cars and sets.
    8. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      what a great find Coro, have only a few myself somewhere...
    9. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thank you Anne for the "love" and comment :)..... Thanks Val... we have Dish Network and MM is on everyday, but I'm not sure what season they're airing. I'll check it out for sure.
    10. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      there is an organisation that I buy some of my brooches from in America who look after the welfare of stray cats. Co-incidentally Ian they have one of these for sale. However please note it has slight damage in the middle. I am no suggesting a sale merely pointing to, as if I were doing anything else I would be in breach of our rules in here. Even if it is for beautiful pussy cats...
    11. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      I'm a cat person too Anne :).... All mine have been foundlings or shelter babies. Shame about the damage to that piece though. I don't see who would want it for that price, but it is for a good cause and I'm sure it's primarily for the donations.
    12. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      My pleasure & it's cool you can relate it to the show.
    13. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Fabulous brooch, Mike, and so nice that yours is complete. I knew about the Coro Vendome thing through research, have never found pieces in either brand. How cool that you can associate it with Mad Men! :)
    14. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Katherine :)
    15. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      A sister to yours :-)
    16. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      It sure is Kyra...thanks for the link :)

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