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T.A.G aluminium box vintage, what was is for ??

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (220 items)

    Hi guys
    I've been looking for this for years, I put it a way somewhere and for 8 years I've been trying to find it, and now I have. It was tucked away in the attic.
    It's really heavy, it's 11 inches high and has cylinders cut out of the foam
    It's pretty dirty as I've not cleaned it yet, I was hoping someone mite share some light on it before I did anything to it.
    I'm not sure how old it is ? And I haven't a clue what I was used for.
    The only marks on it is T.A.G on the front and on the back
    "protex redditch uk"
    I can't wait to see it all shiny and polished. It got a really nice look and feel to it.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      protex redditch uk make latches & hinges
    2. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 10 years ago
      for carrying nitro ....smiling idea
    3. Phatbuddha Phatbuddha, 10 years ago
      Hi walksoftly :)
      Hope you are doing well.

      It doesn't look like something made in the UK.
      The only T.A.G I know of would be the watch, I had a look but couldn't find anything yet.
      il see if I can find a rough date on them hinges, thanks walksoftly
    4. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      I'm good thanks for asking, hope all is well with you.
      I couldn't find anything on the initials T A G.
    5. Phatbuddha Phatbuddha, 10 years ago
      Your in the same boat as me then Roycroft.
      That's good to hear walksoftly
      This is a toughie, I'm not having much joy : /
    6. AndyWickenden, 7 years ago
      I've found out exactly of these at my work place and have no idea what it is found it in the loft of a bowling company
    7. AndyWickenden, 7 years ago
      Found one of these*
    8. Carlson, 4 years ago
      Hi know this has been on here for a long time but did you find out what it was? Just found one in my garage which I got from a boot sale years ago and still curious as to what it's for. Many thanks Carl

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