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Large Abstract Mustard Yellow Teapot-Watering Pot/Unknown Maker and Age

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1232 items)

    Now here's a curious object that I found on the show case wall at Volunteer's. It's been hanging around for almost two weeks. Obviously a teapot or watering pot, but what a design ! I really don't know what to make of it. Is this an amateur piece or not ? I love the "deco" style. with incised decoration over the body. It's roughly 8" square by 11" tall and heavy too. The chunky handle looks like two large bananas and the tiny spout is definitely out of proportion. Still it all seems to work. There are no marks or labels. Most art projects would be signed with a name and year. They had it priced at fifteen, so they thought it might be something better. Today it was half off. I figured it was time to bring it home. -Mike-

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Funky! Almost Asian in some respects. I love the colour and shape!!!
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Karen :)..... I sort of dragged my feet on this one but it just kept catching my eye so I figured half off...why not.
    3. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      wow what a beauty Mike....smack bang Art Deco...and I think it's French inspired with the windows of Notre Dame!
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      I'm glad you like it Anne and thanks for the nice comment and "love". I would have never guessed French. I figured it was just from someones weekend pottery class.
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      ~ F ~ U ~ N ~ K ~ Y ~

    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Rose :) sure is !
    7. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Different... Unique... Unusual... I love it Mike!!
    8. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thank you Rick :) does have that certain
    9. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Love this , cool angles ;-)
    10. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks SD :)...All these positive comments. I'm beginning to think it may not be a pottery class project after all .
    11. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      Mike there is no way an amatuer could cobble together that beautiful symetry and then add the strokes as well. Arranging that handle at the top, what I would liken to either a cathederal ceiling or a stained glassed window arch was done by Maude during her Tuesday night potters night.
      It does seem very Arts and Crafts, which is why ppl are liking it...I would good church rafter handle yellow tea pot and see how you go...
    12. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      I agree Anne. It's just a bit too refined. Well constructed and balanced. I guess that's what attracted me to it in the first place. I really have to do some more research. Thanks for the lead :)
    13. SpunkysMom SpunkysMom, 10 years ago
      Very nice. I like the deco style andcolor
    14. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks so much SpunkysMom :)

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