Posted 10 years ago
(945 items)
There were a lot of very cool looking gas pumps made in yesteryear & these are just a couple of examples of them. I just luv these old gas pumps and don't seem to be able to ever get enough of them. As you know, my wife continues to inquire, "when will enough be enough", and my answer doesn't seem to be very creative; " I'll let you know when I find out". We did go on a nice "sightseeing trip" yesterday that took us to 2 National Parks as we chased down a story I had heard from a Collector friend about an old WWII Military half track out on a guys farm in the middle of nowhere. The ride was long and beautiful and I was thrilled when I finally found the old abandoned vehicle just as the story was described to me. 12 hrs later we arrived back at home for great Mexican dinner and some well needed rest. Hunting is fun, but can be tiring as well. Don't quit Hunting! I haven't.
had to stand on my head to see them but its ok
Thx for the love it.