Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
I found a couple of these at an out of town swap meet. It is from the 30s, but i can not find any others similar to them online besides some repops. Any help would be great. History i found on the company; "Pluto Water was bottled at the French Lick Springs, in French Lick, Indiana, a location with natural mineral springs that was also the source of a competing product, Sprudel Water. It was advertised as "America's Laxative" with the slogan "When Nature Won't, PLUTO Will". The bottle and many advertisements featured an image of the devil, while its namesake was Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld; so named because of the water's origin underground." Very nice colors and embossed letters and devil image.
How very odd!! I love odd items.
Ha! This reminds me of the slogan used by drug reps in the 70s for Dulcolax. "Take Dulcolax in the PM for a BM in the AM" some slogans just stick with a person and this one stuck with me. Your sign is awesome! Everybody needs one like it!