Posted 10 years ago
(761 items)
A trip to Vinnies this morning turned up a Swedish vase made by Tilgmans: Tilgman Keramik. The factory was set up by a German émigré in 1948 at Utbynäs near Göteborg. His name was Paul Harald "Harry" Tilgmann (1904 - 1974). Harry had 16 employees involved in ceramics manufacturing and in 1953 he hired a Polish refugee Marian Zawadzki who began experiments with "sgraffito techniques". At the end of 1957 production moved to a new factory in Kortedala and the number of employees rose to 25 people.
In the mid-1960s, the firm grew and had approximately 80 employees with another branch for manufacture in Sollebrunn. Later on in the 70's Harry even opened a factory in Londonderry in Northern Ireland.
The factories closed with Harry's death in 1974 although his daughter in law opened up a factory in 1987: Marianne Tilgman Keramik.
Love the CHAMOTTE texture ..... extremely fragile.
The red & turquoise lustre glaze work well over the heavy sgraffito decoration.
It is 17 cm or 6.7" tall.
Impressed no. 674, factory mark & Made in Sweden.
Love the texture and colors ! :)
Many thanks MIKELV !!!!!!
Many thanks KYRATANGO !!!!!!!
Many thanks EYE4BEAUTY !!!!!!
You are very welcome :)
Many thanks KAREN !!!!!!!
Oh, this is very nice! New to me and I like it. The surfaces are wonderful and bold.
Many thanks FLEDERMAUS !!!!!
fab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and very very beautiful!!!!
What a great vase, I love that style. But I do have a question: what in the world is that mouse eating?? :))
I love this piece Vet! The color, the texture, the incised work... Wow!
nice vase and story !!
Many thanks JEARVE !!!!!!
Nice piece, I met a descendent of Charles Arthur Stone the other day.
Stones Pottery was located at Coorparoo not far from where my Grandparents lived.
She is selling some this week from her deceased Mother' collection. Some nice pieces.
I don't really think this is against the sites' policy but can give you her number if you are interested? Nigel 0402119757
Many thanks NIGEL. Have you contacted the Australian Pottery group on FB???
Many thanks CORMORAN!!!!'m
Nice the mouse ..
Another fantastic vase & great research but I really love the mouse one thing though what is he suppose to be sitting on wrong colour for a chunk of cheese. Were was CW for me when I was selling all my lovely items a few years back yes I know we cannot sell on here but I could of displayed for a short time then put it on a site for sale you all would of had a ball. Keep them coming kevin & I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Rather than cheese it's a chestnut, ZOWIE !!!
Not the type of thing we normally see in OZ !!!!
It's not is it that's why I asked wrong colour for cheese so I had trouble working it out thanks Kev
Ah, a chestnut! I also asked about what the mouse was eating, Zowie, glad you got an answer! :)
Many thanks PAULMARTIN !!!!!
Great!! vase...I also love the contrast of the dark and rough textured vase with the light and smooth glossy mouse and I think he is eating a nutty chocolate, something!!!...:-)))
Many thanks INKY !!!!!
A chestnut !!!
I knooow but! a chocolate chestnut...:-)))
That old chestnut ??
A Ferrero Rocher ???
That's it!!!'....:-))
Yeah I did & with many thanks it looks to be a nice day here today I hope it's the same for you down there. I just had to dump heaps of Emails as the was over 400 close to 500 & no chance of catching up soon so who ever reads this apart from you Kevin I'm sorry if I have not gotten around to a reply as I have been flat out preparing for hospital & wouldn't of been able to get them all done.
Many thanks SKLO42 !!!!!!!
Many thanks KIVATINITZ !!!!!!
I love thee mouse!!
Many thanks WELZEBUB !!!!!!
Many thanks PETEY !!!!!
Love this. (Love your little mouse too)
That was a very smart idea ol' Harry had there...bringing a bit of Germany to other parts of the world! I see his daughter married into it as well. Nice and thanks for the history.
Many thanks SHAREURPASSION !!!!!
Many thanks KIRK !!!!!!!
Many thanks TONINO !!!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID !!!!!!
Many thanks NH10 !!! !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks COOPERGIRL !!!!
Many thanks ROCKBAT & HO2CULTCHA !!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !,!,!
love this one ...smiling
Many thanks AURA !!!!
Many. Thanks MALKEY !.!!.!.!!.!