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Murrle Bennett Jugendstil Ruby & Peridot 15ct Gold Brooch

In Fine Jewelry > Art Nouveau Jewelry > Show & Tell and Gemstones > Peridot > Show & Tell.
Art Nouveau Jewelry108 of 240Jugendstil, secessionist silver & garnet ring c. 1900.14 carat gold and freshwater pearl griffin stickpin.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (117 items)

    I've recently shown a pair of Murrle Bennett silver and enamel earrings bought for $20. They were the first items that prompted me to hunt for jewellery.

    A few months later I was staying in a hotel with time to kill and browsing eBay when this brooch came up in a search. It's quite big, 35cm wide and 25cm high, and wonderfully mobile when worn. The wide drop is made up of 5 circles set with real rubies, and it dangles, then the peridot drops dangle below it, so the piece is always moving and catching the light.

    It was badly listed and I got it for about US$100.

    This is an example of Murrle Bennett's more exclusive fine jewellery creations in the Jugendstil and Secessionist style. As you can see it is 15ct gold, popular in the British market in the early 1900's, and it's also stamped DEPOSE which is a mark seen on pieces intended for the French market.

    It was around this time I realised that by ignoring jewellery I'd neglected a fruitful area of collecting and treasure hunting, and I've never looked back.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Exquisite - I love green and purple together and the number of drops is just wow!
    2. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Wow, wow!
      Wrong description and category can lead to bargains... (if no one else put an eye on!)
    3. Bluboi Bluboi, 10 years ago
      This is wonderful! Seems very atypical of MB pieces, though he and Fahrner worked closely together.
    4. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      It looks like a piece of suffragette to me in colours maybe

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