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Brass and Blue Enamel Hand Painted Condiment Set / Unknown Maker / Circa 20th Century

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1232 items)

    I thought this was really nice, however I'm having a bit of buyers remorse about it. I don't think it's very old and it has the look of an India or China brass piece, but it has a nice art nouveau vibe. I really like the tray border and the blue hand painted lids. The glass inserts with their little gold spoons are plain glass and rather new looking. Unless they're replacements ?? There's not a mark or label on any of the pieces. I think it's beautiful but I probably paid way too much for it. -Mike-

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Ken :)...I do like it which makes all the difference.
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks oldandsilly :)....I know what you mean. I didn't find anything like this set online either. Israel as you said or maybe even Egypt now that I think about it. Probably a souvenir for the tourist trade.
    3. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Beauty is beauty and skill is equal no matter who makes's a concept I have often considered when looking at Asian glass.
      Enjoy it Mike, I think it is a great set!
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Karen :)..... it is unique if not rare as oldandsilly pointed out.
    5. GeodeJem GeodeJem, 10 years ago
      What you have to consider that its truly unique in your household.
    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks GeodeJem.... that it is :)
    7. AmberRose AmberRose, 10 years ago
      Hey Mike, looks like Isreal to me
    8. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Hey Amber :)'re back ! OK Israel seems to be the general consensus so far.
    9. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 10 years ago
      Her majesty is in the house !!!!!

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