Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
I've recently found this neat guy and have been unable to find anything on its history or what it's worth. With the name "Wittkop" I assume its a German-made scooter but that's about all I know. It's height is a bit confusing to me as it is relatively small, but then has the attached book rack makes me think it is for older children? But then again, it'd be a bit small for them. Still scouring the internet for any history on the item, the Wittkop company, and its worth, but still a neat find and wanted to share! If you know anything, feel free to contact me!
Wittkop was founded about 1898 and I believe they are still in business (in 2008), the earlier models were made from a combination of wood and metal and had no fenders and thinner wheels/tires (pre-WWII materials scarcity) - I believe yours is still pre-WWII, possibly 1930's - the rack in back was not for books, but for a small padded childs' seat with leather cover.
Here's the older one with no fenders and thin wheels;
I feel pretty sure this is 1930s. I was there!