Posted 10 years ago
(559 items)
I have a few Snowflake pieces (nothing like Ann Landers collection!) but this is the first in what I call the fire style.
I never knew before I got one, but this style vase has been made from white glass, with the added colour swirls and red band, and has then been cased externally in yellow. It's that external case that gives it the pastel tinge and the red band the strident orangey/red.
Nicely made glass and thanks to our own research genius Vetraio we now know more.
This is almost a direct quote from Vetraio's comments on another forum:
(I hope you don't mind Vet)
China has been exporting glass to the west since 1922.
Snowflake was made by Dalian Glass Co.Ltd. (originally the Dalian
Group Company), one of the large-scale and key factories among the sheet glass production industry in China. The company still produce glass of every type: sheet glass, bottles, scientific glass, art glass, domestic glass, etc. They are based in the coastal city of Dalian, east of Beijing, and there are many glass manufacturers there on what is now known as the Crystal Coast.
Of course, he found out lots more but I will leave it there.
Thanks for your research Vet!
Love the colours!
wow!!!!!! very very colorful!!!!!
I'm for the colors too, in fact, it sorta makes me thirsty...tequila sunrise anyone?
Great one KAREN !!!!
Hi Karen. I'm new to this 'Snowflake'. It's quite distinctive. Makes it easier to recognise:) not that I've ever come across any :(
Like Japanese glass there was a fair bit sent here - we didn't get so much of the other stuff as you!!
I really like the white and clear cased ones - look a bit like Holmegaard in decor _ shh, don't let others know, they may get upset!
Beautiful vase Karen :)...There's almost an abstract mountain landscape going on there is the swirls of color !
Ta Mike!
Another beautiful vase, Karen, love the play of colors, the squiggles and brush strokes, so Japanese. :))
ahhhhhhhhhh nice and easy on the eyes ...very soft colors it ...
hi Karen, As you know Ive been away again but back now...I love this form of Snowflake...this and my green drinks set are my favourite. And there are some beautiful kind ladies over here that if they find one cheaply, they just buy it and send to me. For free for heavens sake, how beautifully kind is this....hang on, that's how we first really started
I think I'm up to 20 pieces or 22....there are so many syules. But indeed this one I have two very similar and they just group beautifully....Penny too has helped me so much in helping build my collection, she found someone with 1 then 2 then 5 lol. they all came over in one wish I could do the same but I can't... :( Anne xxxx
Anne so glad you are back.
I can imagine your collection is looking spectacular!
I think (here in Aus anyway) people are really starting to "get" this glass - becoming quite collectible now, and why not?
Cindy - all good here - been busy with work and other, and surprisingly for Sydney, cold! lol
Thanks for the love - it's a colour explosion!
Thanks Roy - I now know you are a secret glassie!
I have a nice piece of this type of glass too its lovely :)
Great Lise! Love to see it.
Yes Lise would love to see it....
Its on here :)
hello twin
I was born first, even if only by minutes lol!!