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Art Deco craquele faience man playing a big tube

In Pottery > European Art Pottery > Show & Tell and Art Deco > Show & Tell.
European Art Pottery1127 of 2162Belleek Pottery (Irish), Delicate vase with Handle" After 1946 to 1980Amphora (or similar Teplitz Pottery) Maiden Vase
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (344 items)

    This art deco box was a gift of Rubén Marhuenda . He had it to be sold but as many times I said, Art Deco is not appreciated here. So after several years of buying him different things he gave me it as a present saying something “you are the only that seems to like it”. I presume it is French between 1925-1930 as are the much craquelée white faience you can see on ebay. It seems a soldier that is playing a great tube while marching. An alpine? You know I had not been able to identify the mark (last picture) and I had not seen a box with a figural lid as this one on the web. I am very greateful to Rubén not only for this present if not for the other magnificent articles we had bought to him. Thanks for looking.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      I love this !!!
    2. Ivonne Ivonne, 10 years ago
      Great Art Deco present !
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      thanks Sean, AGH, mikel, vetraio, Sean, Ivone and Geode for loves and comments
    4. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      Thanks Inky also

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