Posted 10 years ago
(149 items)
A lovely excelsior oak slat trunk -- only -- well, someone added a bit of colour along the way.... sigh. Good news is that I now have a summer project! So I picked up my five gallon bucket of furniture stripper and am about to gleefully begin bringing her back to life. Now I can strike Excelsior Oak Slat off my trunk bucket list....
On my way already -- the fourth pic represents about an hour and a half of stripping down... coming along nicely...
I see the light in your eyes with this Project,, what funny thing to do,,, restore this trunk to is glorious day, i wish we gone see the final result,As usual.
Thanks Alan -- just LOVE these projects....
A project well worth undertaking
Please post finished product,Its always amazing to see before and after
Thanks bjb5859 -- it is a privilege to work on these beauties....
This will look beautiful once you get the paint off. I will never understand why people think painting a trunk is a good idea, especially a beautiful slat trunk. In this case they went overboard doing the wood and metal, they must have loved the color. You have already made great progress, I can't wait to see it when you get it finished. I sent you an e-mail with the information you requested, if you don't get it let me know.
Very nice find!! Can't wait to see your finished product. Without a doubt, I know it will look amazing, as all of your beautiful trunks do.
Thanks KathyKay and jscott for the kind words.
Holy yellow ,T-man,What were they thinking! I'm picturing you completely covered in this paint. Nice Find ! good luck and may the force be with you.
And also with you Drill.... thanks for the cheer!
I am in a large city and no one here is willing to give up their Excelsior trunk. Looking through the pictures it appears that there is not any damage anywhere, an amazing find. Cannot wait to see the results once you put your skills to work.