Posted 10 years ago
(87 items)
I have never really paid much attention to biscuit tins let alone consider buying one but when I saw this biscuit tin from Huntley and Palmers at a local flea market this weekend past, I jumped on it. Obviously there is a strong art nouveau influence going on here - a country scene at sunset, framed by tree silhouettes captures the period nicely. My research tells me that it is dated 1908. It stands 7.5” tall.
The picture #3 really stand up, great job, to but A Glass Biscuit Jar and your Snake Vase as a grouping.
Wow I love your tin Biscuit box, in the first look almost look like glass to.
Really lovely Mac63....:-)
Wow! What color! That's if spectacular!
wow!!! so well done!!!
Those English sure knew how to store their "crumpets" That would pass for finery for the table.
What a marvellous tin, I've never seen one like that.
Thank you for checking in.
Beautiful trio!!!
Great piece Mac! At first glance it reminded me of cameo glass...
Rick, I think that was my initial attraction too.
What a Fantastic biscuit tin! It looks great with the glass, like it belongs.
A splendid biscuit tin. Looks free of dents and dings. (Those are not types of English biscuits)
wow! what a beauty!