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Mid Century (?) spherical amber glass ashtray

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (2 items)


    I hope someone can help me with this. This glass ashtray, along with the above decanter, are the first collectables I have purchased (apart from a few diecast cars). I bought them earlier this year in Perth, Western Australia because as a design student, I really appreciate their form.

    There's something uniquely mid-century German or Scandi about the ashtray with its pure spherical form and very precise small slices cut away from it to make an opening and base. It has a patinated and slightly bent brass/copper cigarette rest with very little decoration that pivots up and down.

    The astray itself is about 95mm in diameter and the glass is about 5mm thick. The glass seems to be of a good quality but has very small air bubbles within. There are no makers' marks on it or the cigarette rest, unfortunately, nor have I been able to find any information about it.

    If anyone can share any information about this ashtray, namely its country and years of origin, designer and/or maker, possible value, along with anything else that might be interesting, please share it with me. I would appreciate it greatly!

    Thank you!

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    1. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 10 years ago
      I gave up collecting ashtrays years ago but I have seen these. They were supposed to be a smokeless ashtray. The globe was supposed to keep the smoke from going out in the room and many had a liquid you added that gave off a sweet odor and dissolved the ashes. They didn't work but it was a neat idea.
    2. Caperkid, 10 years ago
      It looks very futuristic i love it. George Jetsons i
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Love it .....Here is a Great link with lots of Ashtrays there!
    4. MarcoCatalano, 10 years ago
      Thanks everyone for your comments! fhrjr2, that is really interesting, I see how that could've worked in principle, it was a good idea and made a good looking ashtray as a result!
      Good one, Caperkid! I can see that fitting in the Jetsons' futurist interiors!
      Thanks for the link, Antiquerose, i'll have a look at it.

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