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Dome topped trunk

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (3 items)

    I have been researching on line and can't find a trunk with similar details as this one. It has small metal wheels, the top looks like alligator skin, the metal appears to be gold colored on the inside wrap where it has not been exposed to the elements. I would like to restore it myself but want to gather some info before going ahead. I would appreciate an info.

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    1. Deano Deano, 10 years ago
      Take a look at the one I have. I don't know anything about mine. Striking similarities.
    2. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      Nice 1890's dome-top trunk with alligator embossed tin and nice cast iron slat clamps. It is a typical style and make for its time. Without a label it will be difficult to know what company manufactured it. They come out nice once they are restored. Good luck with the project and make sure you posts the results!
    3. Trunked, 10 years ago
      Thank you for all the information!! I did find on the metal embellishments on the front the word PAT?MAR1680. Where the ? Mark is a capital D with an = sign under it. Is this a patent number or possibly a part number?
      What is the best way to clean the gold leaf?
    4. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      This is a patent number and it would be March 16th 1880 and would be the patent for the lock but not the trunk -- trunk makers bought their parts from common parts makers in the day. When you say "gold leaf" are you referring to the alligator tin pattern? If so some parts seem rusted fairly heavily. A light approach would be to use steel wool to get the loose rust off and a heavy handed approach is a wire drill brush to get all of the rust off. What you are left with of course is shiny tin metal and no more paint -- but it looks like the pain on this one is long gone. Another simple protective measure is to use gun oil on the tin to help stall the rust -- it will darken as the rust turns colour.
    5. Trunked, 10 years ago
      When opening the trunk, see the 4 th picture, on the inside the tin is covered in yellow and silver. I thought this might be leaf. I don't want to ruin the gold leaf if so.
    6. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      It may well have been the original colour of the tin but that colouring is long gone...
      I do not understand what part of the trunk the fourth picture represents...
    7. edmuns, 10 years ago
      just posted mine today very similar to this, hinges are exact, slats are vertical, alligator embossed tin
    8. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      You were asking about getting the tin to shine -- I use a wire brush on a drill bit to take off the rust and shine the tin -- you have to be careful not to gouge the wood though...

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