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Orange Foo Dogs Pair

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    I believe these are ceramic due to the weight; Male weighs 5.6 lbs., and female weighs 6 lbs. Most likely bookends (?) The female is holding down a cub, I believe they are called. I have researched and cannot seem to find a similar pair; does have markings on the bottom. Can anyone provide any additional info for me? I am stumped!!

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    Foo Dogs and Lions
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    1. grendel67, 10 years ago
      I will have to agree with oldandsilly recent and Chinese. But they are neat I do like
      Fu dogs.
    2. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Good information. Why is the foo dog stepping on Bart Simpson? ;)
    3. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 10 years ago
      Very sorry to hear that they are not that old.....they sure look like they are. Lol on the Bart Simpson......I had to really look at it to determine that it is supposed to be a baby foo dog!!
    4. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 10 years ago
      I thought they were older I guess by the style of them and finish. I've sold a lot of sets and never have came upon a set with the puppy underfoot. They are just so primitive the Chinese markings on the bottom. I thought they were ceramic but you say porcelain.....I can't tell which they are? Have you seen a set like this that is porcelain?
    5. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 10 years ago
      Thank you so much!! Porcelain it is....yes, any links you can provide would be helpful. I usually do not purchase Asian pieces but these I thought, were so different.
    6. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 10 years ago
      Many thanks!! I do like calling them "guardian lions" via foo (fu) dogs.....seems more appropriate now that I see these pics. Interesting facts on the puppies.....that's what kinda drew me to this pair and I had never seen them in orange and these colors. I'm so happy I posted this....thanks to all that contributed.
    7. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Interesting. I take it the female foo dog stepping on the baby foo dog means she rules the home/ inner world while the male foo dog stepping on the ball means he rules the globe/outer world?
    8. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 10 years ago
      Of course the female rules the I don't know if I would say "my male" (hubby) rules the globe....he's got a big head already!! Sorry.....that is the first think that came into my mind; of course this logic is 100% correct for the Chinese tradition. Wondering if I ever stepped on my daughter (lightly of course) to show I ruled the home....I think I should have!!
    9. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      She cares for the kid while he cares about sports? Just kidding ;)

      T A
    10. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 10 years ago
      Looks that way....could be a decorative soccer
    11. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Cool foo's love the colour :-)
    12. Collectomaniac Collectomaniac, 9 years ago
      Tis a ball of yarn to soak up milk from the dogs paw. This is what I've read.
      I love Foo too. I have about 8 fake ones, none older than 45y.o., and love them all to look at. They allegedly ward off evil.
    13. retrored15, 8 years ago
      I have an identical set that my grandfather brought back from his first trip to China in 1977. Have you been able to find more information?
    14. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 8 years ago
      Other than the info listed here, I have not found any other info. No comps but some of your info helps!! I kinda thought they were from the 70's.
    15. retrored15, 8 years ago
      I am not sure if they were new or not when Granddaddy bought them. I know he brought home some antiques from his many trips to China but cannot recall if this set of foo dogs is one.
    16. retrored15, 8 years ago
      Thinking back, the first few trips to China were very restricted. All of the items brought back were gifts from the Chinese government or purchased with the assistance of a government representative. I wonder if the person who owned the pair you have night have been a fellow members of the trade delegation with my grandfather. I was a teenager when he went and my older family members are deceased. I will do some research in his paperwork and see if I can find more information.
    17. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 8 years ago
      That would be great! The more info I have, the better. I bought these from an estate sale and there wasn't a lot of info they could provide. Thanks!
    18. retrored15, 8 years ago
      There is an identical set on Ebay. Is that you? I have contacted the seller to see if they have more information.
    19. imjustagirl imjustagirl, 8 years ago
      I had them on ebay but the listing expired. I just checked my msgs and none so its not me. I searched but did not find the exact same ones.

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