Posted 10 years ago
(586 items)
That's all I know of Blake's poem, so here is some info on this glass tiger.
Made by Kurata Glass Japan and probably 1970s or early 80s. Before they moved to Tsukiyono anyway.
Kurata have not been big makers of animals, that seems to be Marti Multi Glass' realm, but they did make a series of Chinese Zodiac animals of which this is one.
I think they have done a nice job here. Cream underbelly, lovely orange body and black stripes, and nicely modelled features.
Length 23cm
Love the Blake reference and the Object !!!!!!!
My literary education is sadly almost lost!
Thanks again Kevin.
Sweet tiger, beautiful glass work, lovely zoo !
It's grrrrrreat !! :)
Wow,beany tiger !
In the forests of the night.....and you've given him his forest! The beast is beautiful!
I knew this had to be yours when I spotted it. This is really amazing work, the placement of everything is right where it's supposed to be. It looks 'painted'. Wish i could see this in person!
He is a cool looking tiger !
Tiger love back guys!
I agree they made a good effort on him and he is now guarding the rest of my menagerie.
Thanks heaps:
Sue and
I wanted that one, but they said Karen got it first. Drats! lol. I am definitely jealous, don't see tigers too much. D.
He's the only one I've seen Dean, but if I see another I will tell them it's yours. Thanks!
Not seen one of these before! Kewl!
Kurata make great animals. Thanks Kevin!