Posted 10 years ago
(384 items)
Man Cave Monday!!!!! Went to the scrap yard and loaded up these beauties!!! Had to be drug out of the brush with a Tow Truck coverd in 40 years of brush and sticky briers OUCH!!!! Not enough room for poles have to come back for standard GULF Pole and the motorized Pole, Bonus I found the frame for the motorized pole too a lollipop frame!!!!!!! Happy Hunting!!!! I'm tired and hungry and probably dehydrated LOL
Well done Trey.
Thanks for the love pw-collector.
Thanks for the love aghcollect.
Thanks for the love fortapache.
Thanks for the love vetraio50.
Thanks for the love racer4four and the nice comment:)
Thanks for the love mikelv85.
Scrap Yard? Wow! I'm jealous LOL
Some of my best picks come from recycle/scrapyards! Nice finds!
Thanks for the love DaveSierra.
Thanks for the love EJW-54 and the nice comment:)
Thanks for the love Rustfarm and the nice comment:)
Nice!Been there,done that!
Thanks for the love Kerry.
Thanks for the love pickrknows.
Thanks for the love OKCJim.
VERY COOL Trey!!!!!
Thanks for the love Sean and nice comment:)
I wanna come with!!!
Thanks for the love Rattletrap and the comment:) I struck gold!!!! Supposed to be 2 Pure Oil signs out there if they didn't get stolen!!
Thanks for the love vreugdenhil.
Thanks for the love officialfuel.
Thanks for the love and nice comment gargoylecollector.
Thanks for the love Poop.
Wow! Super cool! Nice find
Thanks for the love Canman3 and the nice compliment:)
Trey, seeing your treasures and your smiling face always makes me happy. :)
Thanks for the love and the your wonderful comments katherinescollections:)
Thanks for the love jameyrd.
Thanks for the love Howdyorange.
Thanks for the love katherinescollections.
Thanks for hitting the love button again Rattletrap:)
Thanks for all the support Rattletrap:)
Thanks for the love burtmacklin.
Thanks for the love Manikin.