Posted 10 years ago
(3478 items)
A bayonet with a 15" blade made by the Kokura Arsenal. These were for the Arisaka rifle which was the standard rifle used by the Japanese in WWII.
The makers mark can be seen in the 2nd photo which represents a stack of cannon balls. This the mark of the Kokura Arsenal.
The last photo shows the serial number which seems to be 106181> I am not quite sure about the serial number.
It could have been made by the Tokyo rsenal as they had a very similar makers mark.
This was yet another Rose Bowl find and at $50 seemed to be decent buy. All the other bayonets were in the $100 range.
Thank you
Thank you kaputs11.
Times have sure changed. When I was a kid, vets gave their souvenirs away to anybody who showed an interest. Just thinking back, I can't remember 1 vet whose kids showed any interest in their father's souvenirs. Sad thing that! Wonder why?
Yep, I got a Japanese knee mortar round (fortunately inert) from a playmate's dad who served in the pacific. Most of my own dad's stuff got a bunch of wear and tear from my playing at war with my friends. I wish my folks had put that stuff away for me till I was a bit older
Same here Chris. I had a shadow box with a few Nazi items in it that Jacky (E.Berliner) made me cover up. Well, the Kraut is gone & I still have an empty shadow box, so am trying to collect only Nazi collar tabs & shoulder boards to fill it. If she wakes up & comes back, - too bad. It's only an interesting collection but have lived with 3-4 German girls & they have all been totally brainwashed about that era of history. I view it as the most influential cult history has ever had, but admire their use of regalia to control the masses. It fascinates me how they pulled it off! Think what you want, but it was genius at work at its best. 70+ million intelligent people they controlled! Of course there were factors created by the Allies that opened the door, but it still happened! Even knowing the real reasons, it still amazes me!
Ummm... you got a problem with German chicks O.o ?
MeliG a lot of persons are sensitive about the symbols used by WWII era Germany. I believe that is to what BB2 is referring. He does not seem to have a problem with those of the Prussian persuasion.
I have to hide my German stuff too. In fact I can't find them.
No hun, I was just teasing blunder :)
Wait! Did you just call somebody a HUN?!?!
Just kidding :) Wrong war anyway.
I'm liking "BB2" better than "Blunder" and my change my nickname for him
MeliG. Put me in a room of a hundred girls, and it there is 1 German, I will gyrate to her. Uncanny & often unhealthy!
Please don't-- I don't think anyone wants to see you "gyrate"!
No one is giving them away anymore blunderbuss. When I was a kid a vet tried to give me a Nazi dagger but my grandmother wouldn't let me accept it. Life is rough.
Chrisnp my father had a footlocker full of stuff that my brother and I played with until most was lost. I still have a uniform that my mom had restored.
Thank you
Thank you cncc2.
Thank you GeodeGem and Caperkid.
Thank you step_back antiques.
Fort, Re: # 12. I hope you learned not to ask after that? LOL!!!
Yes blunderbuss I was very good after that. Didn't she know grandchildren were supposed to be spoiled?
Easier to ask forgiveness than get permission! LOL!!
Thank you
Yep this looks a lot like mine fortapache, I never saw it here cool! :^)
Thank you very much Bill. I have another nicer one posted here too.....