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A Gold I love you charm

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Charms and Charm Bracelets74 of 145Gift I don't have an idea about???VINTAGE GOLF RELATED CHARM BRACELET WITH LARGE ENAMELED FUNKY CHARMS!  COOL!
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (413 items)

    When you have lived in several countries has I have, you forget about things, I came across this charm recently. This is a very special charm for me, from a very special little boy. When we lived in Kenya many moons ago, we used to go back to the UK every summer holiday school term. We were out shopping one day with friends, when my seven year son gave me a present, when I opened it this is what was inside the box, it brings tears to my eyes even now. I didn't know what the charm meant, I asked my son and he said I love you mummy, I was confused, I asked my friend, who had taken him to the shop to buy the charm without my knowledge, she told me it is a I love you charm. My son will be thirty next month, how time flies.
    Many thanks for looking

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      To an Italian this has a particular significance: la mano cornuta....
    2. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      I have to be honest vetraio, your hand looks the same as mine
    3. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Many thanks vetraio, for your link and love
    4. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Many thanks
    5. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Treasure it always, Peasejean. :)
    6. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Thank you katherinescollection, I'm wearing it at the moment, I hope it brings me some good luck, I could do with some :-)
    7. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Couldn't we all. :) Blessings. :)
    8. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Yes, we could all do with some luck.
    9. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      To add a little more to Kevin's link which talks about the horns meaning your husband or wife was cheating. When I lived in Italy, the legend was explained to me about a statue of a bull sitting in a piazza. The birds would be on his back making fun of him, but being that his head and horns were facing forward, he didn't know. So what you're telling someone when you give him the "horns", is your wife is cheating and everybody else knows but you. I'm sure there are other interpretations, but this is how it was explained to me.
    10. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      What does it matter? Either the dealer made a mistake, or was only interested in making the sale, but that is neither here nor there. The little boy bought the charm in good faith and Peasejean has treasured it all this time as a keepsake. I think it's absolutely precious, Peasejean, given with love and kept with love. You are blessed.
    11. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      It's always interesting when the same symbol means different meanings in different Countries, and different areas of the same country. For instance a black cat which passes your path is lucky but a white cat is unlucky in my part of England, but in a different part of the country it's the opposite way round. Many thanks to vetraio, katherinescollection, Rick, valentino and Cindb, to contributing your thoughts, thank you.
    12. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Many thanks
      Caper kid
    13. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Many thanks
    14. Giasole, 7 years ago
      I wear one of the Corno. It is said to ward off the Malocchio...The Evil Eye...(Mal=bad, Occio=Eye...

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