Posted 10 years ago
(3 items)
Metal head, cast iron?, wooden handle with brass? ferrule joining head and handle, weighs approx. 13 or 14 ounces. Found when cleaning out a barn in Tennessee. Anyone have any idea what it is or what it was used for ?
If more pictures are needed just let me know. Thanks.
Looks like a gear box shifter with the handle upside down... just a guess. RER
Looks like a cog wrench to me.
I'm thinking possibly a leather working tool.
What ever it is, it has a small hammer/pick like look to it. I was thinking a vintage bar tenders ice, multi-tool, but have not found a look alike yet. Any trade marks on it geezil?
Having been found in an old barn I would still think cog tool. Looks like it would mesh with the gears on a fly wheel to back it off when equipment jambs.
Rustfarm has it right, leather working tool, for shoe making. I have an assortment of these, all French-made cordonnier's tools, which I picked up on a brocante for 5€ for 40 or so pieces.
Great verretcheque! Now can you tell us how it is used in the show making process, and give us a picture or link of it? Thanks
Sorry shoe came out as show, old age syndrome i guess
Not being a shoe maker, not absolutely certain bit I believe this was used on the leather around the welt. These were heated on a small stove and pressed on to the welt, which ridged, would help shed water. I'll go do some checking, and come back to you shortly.
2nd image far right, similar tool.
This appears, it seems, to be a glazing iron.
I would say this one has been solved "geezil" and you can mark it as such. Thanks for the extra effort "verretcheque"!
No problem. My grand-father was a shoe-maker at Kays Shoes, Kendal, Westmoreland, in the early 1900s. Always been interested in what he did, and I love quality bench-made shoes.
Woooh! Another great solve, Verretcheque!
Très polyvalent ;-))
Merci, vous êtes très gentille avec moi. Il n'y a pas des sujets pas intéressantes, seulement les gens qui ne sont pas intéressé. H.G Wells, je pense.
and Mer-de, pas Wells mais G.K. Chesterton.......
"There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person."
:) :)
Mystery solved thanks to rustfarm & verretcheque and thanks to everyone else who offered input.
Welcome To CW:)
Thanks Trey.