Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Hi all,
I'm trying to identify a collection that was found in my Grandparents attic a few weeks ago after my Gran passed away.
I'm not 100% sure where they came from although we (my mum and I) suspect that they were part of a 'collect x amount of tokens and send away' type of thing, but have no idea how old they are or where they came from as there is no branding on the cars except for what you can see on the second image (underside). :-/
Each car has a large single digit number moulding into the plastic (as in the second image) ranging from 1 to 6 (except no. 2 doesn't have this number) and each one has what I assume to be a model number.
The main body of the cars is what I think is DieCast, with the roof and 'floor' of the cars being plastic. The wheels are plastic and on each there is a 'spare tyre' made of rubber on the right hand side (no pic of that I'm afraid)
I Don't know at the moment what cars the toys are based on, but that is another avenue of research that I am looking into.
Thanks, and I hope someone can help :)
SorryI can't help with these, but I would be checking the attic again for any boxing/packaging these might have come in. That is a big plus to have for a collector and would also help determining age and manufacture.
Thanks for the reply. :)
I've done a fair bit more digging and seem to have figured out what they are.
It looks as though they are a collection that Readers Digest put out in the early 90's.
Not sure if links are allowed in the comments, but if you google 'Readers digest car collection' you'll get some links.
Unfortunately there is no packaging (the house has now been cleared etc) but it seems there were around 6 different types of packaging for these, and have no idea which one my Grandparents had.
But, mystery solved. :)
Your research has found correctly - this was a Readers' Digest promotionals Set Vintage Cars Miniatures - here is a link to an actual numbered ebay listing set;
I have the same set mint in box. My box has Regal Gifts on it, and predates the 1990's, not by much, but got my set in 1989, and it had a bit of box wear at the time. Not old by my standards. Same sets were probably boxed up for years, and probably still now, under different private labels. The colours are alway nice, and for Hong Kong toys, they are passable. Mine come out at Christmas, then back in the box with the rest of the Christmas decorations for another year.
Update 1 minute later. Just noticed Macau on the set in pitures. Mine have Hong Kong. Just got one single of these in a thrift store bag of cars and it has China. Seems to be an evolution of cheap, barely collectible cars.
There based off of Model Ts I just got a few myself at a flea market for 1$ each