Posted 5 years ago
(3483 items)
Once again the Matchbox of Yesteryear or MOY as they are known by collectors. These were made mostly in the late 1960s. I have been focusing on collecting the entire 1968 and 1969 catalogs and I think I have succeeded. Next will be 1967 and on down. They only added about 3 models a year so it isn't as hard as it may sound. Around that time there were only 16 models. When one was added another was discontinued.
During this time Matchbox focused on the brass age cars which were pre 1920. In the 1970s they moved on the cars of the 1920s and 1930s which I will post eventually. Got a couple more individual models to post first.
Model of Yesteryear Extravaganza! great models and great colors.
Thank you very much Lata. Unlike what people think the early cars were quite colorful.