Posted 9 years ago
(343 items)
This was a gift from Dorita, our principal dealer and friend, it was difficult to sell it because it is not marked and was so dirty. Sergio cleaned it but still looks dark. It has lost the hinges but is so Rococo that is a good example of the style. So I am sharing it and any hint about who made it will be appreciated.
Dirty or not it's still amazing kiva ! :)
thanks Mikel for the coment
Thanks AGH, caperkid, fortapache, ho2cultcha, vetraio, smiata and Ivonne for the loves
This will go very well with a rococo letter holder i post month ago, accept the one i post was in brass, identical form, great find, love it.
So much detail Silvia.. A truly lovely box!
Thanks Rick
Thanks Sean for the comment
A lovely box regardless.....
I saw an inkwell very similar to this at a thrift store. It had 3 little trays on the inside, it also had a broken hinge on one side and I wasn't sure of the metal either so I passed on it. Still very cool.
Very interesting your comment shareurpassion and sklo so kind your comment and loves
Thanks Geode and Toni for the loves
What pretty pieces, kivatinitz! Someone suggested ketchup for cleaning, perhaps try a tiny bit somewhere unseen? I love French rococo! :)
Thanks Katherine I will try
thanks freiheit for the love
thanks Agram, aura, jscotto, Vladimir, and Kyratango for the loves....