Posted 10 years ago
(413 items)
This is a silver enamel, and I think sythetic Ruby, Bernard Instone brooch. There is a ring with the enamelling similar to this brooch in the Victoria and Albert museum in London, I shall put the link on below in the comments. The brooch was made in the 1920s. I tested the stone on my diamond selector and it registered, I then found out sythetic Rubies also register, but the seller did sell it as a sythetic Ruby, but you live in hope.
It's completely different from my other Bernard Instone brooches. First of all the brooch seems similar to a safety pin, I can't see a joint anywhere even on the hinge. The centre piece is about 2cm wide and 1 1/2 cm high. In the middle there is a Red sythetic cabochon Ruby, the Ruby is in a bezel setting. On either side of the stone is a white enamel flower with gold stamens. The whole of this is surrounded with green enamelled leaves. The brooch is marked B.I, the back which I always marvel, is prefect, typical Instone. It was probably one of his earlier pieces of work.
Many thanks for looking.
Beautiful! :)
This is the link to the ring at the Victoria and Albert museum.
Yes, they are very similar! Do you suppose one or the other had different central stones at one time?
Hi katherinescollections, no I don't think so, for one, the enamelling on the ring is similar to the brooch but it is a different shape, the ring seems more rounded, and the opal looks a lot larger stone. But thanks for your question, I might be wrong. :-)
A lovely, lovely brooch Jean! I love how the "ruby" pops amidst all of that greenery!
Really pretty!
The collection keeps growing!! ;)
Simply gorgeous.
Im in love with it! Awesome!
Many thanks to katherinescollections, Rick, sophieLadyDeParis, BellaEpoque, Gillian and Virginia.vintage for passing by and leaving your lovely comments. Yes BellaEpoque, I'm still on the prowl for Bernard Instones Jewellery, I don't think it will ever end, Im passionate about his work. Virginia.vintage it's very nice to hear from you, I haven't seen you for a while.
Many thanks
Oh, yes, so true!
Belive me dear Pease, sometimes we need a time...later come back more strongers than before.
I miss friends that arent now here, this is the reason that is difficult to me.
I feel passion for the site and I love many members that like you always are so kind with me.
This is a treasure to me and I cant forget :)
Big warm hug to you!!!
Yes I know exactly what you mean. Things have been tough also for me, I lost a very dear friend and am still grieving, I miss him very much, but as they say life has to go on.
I also miss our friends that left CW, it's not the same without them, hopefully with time they will come back.
Haste pronto Virginia x
So beautiful!!!
Hi shareurpassion, thanks for passing by and leaving your lovely comment and love.
Yes dear pease, we are feeling the same.
"Time" so true!
Big hug!
Hasta pronto amiga!
Hi Virginia.vintage, I hope all is well with you.
Many thanks
Many thanks
Many thanks
Many thanks
Looks like I've loved this before, but I'm back!!!! I hope you are wearing this proudly. It's just amazing!
Hi shareurpassion, I'm just going through my Bernard Instone items, sorry I'm late with my comment, thank you. I haven't sworn this brooch yet there hasn't been a right time, I don't get chance to dress these days, I will wear it one day, it is a stunner.
Many thanks
If you don' mind me saying, this ring is so lovely you should wear it every day. I find that surrounding myself with beauty, whether it be jewelry or fine art, just makes me smile. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous piece! Jessica
Hi Jessica, thanks for your comment, unfortunately this is a brooch if it was a ring I'd wear it, the one in my link of a ring is in the Victoria and Albert museum in London.
Oh okay! That's what I get from looking at things late at night. :-) THANKS for posting this! Beautiful!!
vintageartworks, thanks for taking a interest it's much appreciated:-)))