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Jacksonville, Florida

I'm Karen, I'm interested in most anything vintage that I can find a space for in my home or yard, if the price is right. So with my husband working out of town mostI'm Karen, I'm interested in most anything vintage that I can find a space for in my home or yard, if the price is right. So with my husband working out of town most of the time, we get most of our shopping therapy in thrift stores. Karenoke@att.net (Read more)


  1. Simply stunning!
  2. Thanks for the love Vetraio, hope you are doing well these days. Thanks Vynil, appreciate the love.
  3. Bradley Hubbard Leaded Slag Glass Antique Vintage Arts Crafts Lamp Handel Era
  4. https://www.ebay.com/itm/155045651531?hash=item241970e44b:g:mU0AAOSw1btgU2ue&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsOSRFzaNbHY9tBD%2BozLJBrwhAHe5mD85%2BBjXgGbHKBIWcyBTYcQBywdrj7mHyW951ox8YnzL%2BljsevwpFHtsw%2BkPE%2FOC...
  5. Thanks TallCakes???? I finally turned up a couple of lamps on eBay that have the same kind of glass shades, but green. The seller says one is Handel and the other is B & H. By looking at them, I’m w...
  6. Thanks Blunder2 Hope your doing good, healthy and wealthy ????
  7. I love these, nice find!
  8. Awe, so cute. I lost my 17 y/o pug Lulu just last February.
  9. This is a really cool find. They tasted like chalk, and I recall the “smoke” reminding me of a teacher beating the chalk from the chalkboard eraser.
  10. Thank you Scott, it’s good to be back soaking up more knowledge. Thanks New, this is currently one of my faves. I appreciate all the love my little lamp has received, thanks you all! Now who c...
  11. Very happy to see this as I’m starting to collect a few pieces of Vaseline glass. Old or new, it’s pretty. How you been?
  12. I recommend more and better photos, please. It’s so beautiful!
  13. So darn cute!
  14. Rolling Stones, April 2019 Jacksonville Fl. I’m waiting for tickets to go on sale. Last time they were here was 1989, I was pregnant and missed it. Or the last time that I know of anyway. Start Me...
  15. So if I want to throw something on stage, he’d prefer my sneakers over my panties?....lol
  16. I wonder if he made any salt and pepper shakers? Acquired some the other day that remind me of this work. Interesting!
  17. Just heard on the news that the Stones are coming to my home town! Might be interesting to see a 70 something year old man JUMP around the stage. Cool item you have there!
  18. I have to say I think all these finds are great, with Medusa being my fave of the three. But I wanted to say I’ve never seen andirons with a crossbar and I’m wondering if that’s what the wrought iron...
  19. Hey Blunderbuss2, I’m just noticing your comment, sorry. And my fish better not be trying to sneak across the border as I kind of like him and don’t want him to get shot. But oh yeah....America is th...
  20. That’s beautiful, enjoy!
  21. Thank you so much Bill!
  22. I guess I’m clueless as I had no idea different peeps are running it. How long since the takeover? They may just be in a learning curve?
  23. But we spend more time on this site if they make things difficult;-)
  24. I too was waiting on the answer. Cool item! I have the same bottles as you so now I need a corker....lol
  25. Oh wow! So many great comments. Thanks.... Phil, it’s composite and it’s 10” x 11” approx. Thanks Izenglish for the link, I’ll check it out now. Thanks Blunderbuss, I can look into that. F...
  26. Thanks Newfld, sounds reasonable to me. I have searched double headed eagles and can find no match. My son thinks it is Masonic, I just don’t know. Appreciate your input and love
  27. I just love these, in fact I purchased a pair of these in a little softer pink just a few weeks back in a thrift store across town from my regular thrifting area. I approached the counter to pay for a...
  28. I’ve sure enjoyed all the research you all have done, which makes this a great post!
  29. Btw, I found the gentleman bunny on Pinterest but never could follow the thread to any info.
  30. Hey thanks Newfld and Nutsabotas6, I appreciate the kind words and love???? Thanks to all who showed some love;-)
  31. Welcome to CW! Awesome lamp you have, every time I come across one similar it’s out of my price range....lol. Someone will come along and give you the answers you are seeking, but it’s not me unfort...
  32. No, I haven’t posted it...or any of the others I have. Maybe I’ll get around to it one day.
  33. I think it’s a really nice piece to show off, and could be a nice “fire pit” for the back patio. But I agree with the above comments about how unsafe it is, thus making it a great fire pit replacemen...
  34. Too funny but I not only have your exact Marlboro ashtray, I has this ottoman as well. Same color and size but mine don’t have the handles and the design of the stitching on top is a bit different. I ...
  35. I have the exact ashtray. However, mine was well used and rough when I acquired it so I keep it on the back patio as a place to snuff your cig before you come in. Nice to see your wonderful brand ne...
  36. I’m so jealous of your visitors, I’d love to have such exotic birds in my yard! I do have plenty of birds visiting however, just not as beautiful.
  37. Thanks for all the kind and helpful comment everyone, much appreciated. I’m using it for a yard decoration in which it is playing dual roles, #1. Yard decor, #2. Next to my 13 yr. old granddaughter b...
  38. Thanks Newfld, I think he’ll look great as yard art. But the cup leaves me clueless, and you may be right;-)
  39. I’d have to agree with you Blunder...lol
  40. I love your story, and history about this gun. Great post! Now you keep a keen eye on that rifle, some folks say they kill so I’d like to know if you catch it getting out of that chair and killing so...
  41. It’s not easy to find on of these with the guts. I promised myself last time a hurricane knocked out my power I’d have one of these before the next time, and I thought it’d be vintage. I thought wrong...
  42. I’d say ashtray’s for sure. Do they come apart? I absolutely love these!
  43. One heck of a find! Looks like it should be in a museum.
  44. OMGosh Caperkid, I completely forgot to come back and tell you....YES! You hit the nail on the head with your suggestion and we were correct, it’s the lower half of a yard decoration. Bet the other h...
  45. Thanks Newfld! I did have a friend suggest the mark on bottom looks more like a brand logo than a makers mark. But who knows? Thanks for the love Vetraio50 TassieDevil Much appreciated!
  46. Lovely view you have there! I’m trying to baby my newest addition, young angel trumpets. As they are this years greatest hope;-)
  47. I so appreciate all the love.... Newfld Fortapache Officialfuel Jscott0363 But surly you have a guess?.....lol. However, a guess is all I have and I’m not so good at guessing. Thanks y’all ;-)
  48. Red has long been my color Phil. This is amazing!
  49. Love how real this child looks. The facial expression is priceless!
  50. Very much like one I shared a year ago. I’m hoping I can share it with this link... https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/214005-any-guess-as-to-artist-or-age
  51. See more


Antique Russian dulevo plate Mystery object needs identification (postal, culinary, trade...?) Some kind of tool United States Of America Dime Error Coin? Is it? NO IDEA Hand crafted Fiberglass swag 3-D fruit


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posted 7 years ago