Posted 9 years ago
(304 items)
Collecting items issued by German Veterans Groups in America has long been one of my collecting interests. Some of these items can be very challenging when trying to determine where in America the issuing group was located. Case in point is this lapel button issued on May 24, 1914. Made by Bastian Brothers of Rochester, N.Y. this piece with the crossed German and American flags is clearly from a group in the USA. After many years of collecting I was able to put together a listing of German Military Veterans groups active in the United States which I published on the OMSA web site. Given the unique name “Deutsche Militaer Brigade” on this badge which appears only once on my list I am sure this group was located in Buffalo, N.Y.
amazing Deutsche Militaer Brigade!!! history in the making !!
Thanks Sean, but I like to think of it more like forgotten history saved from oblivion.
Love learning & you have made my day! Thanks.
I would love to know the significance of the date too !!!
The flag of the German Empire or Deutsches Kaiserreich is an interesting twist too.
Thanks V50. The date is probably the group's founding anniversary celebration date. The flag is correct for the time period and is found on many similar items. Most of these groups were founded between 1871 and 1910.