Posted 9 years ago
(79 items)
The most distinguishing aspect of the wonderful William's design is the articulated movement of the type-bars as they traveled to the platen. The type-bars are arranged in two fans on either side of the platen and hop-up and over to the top of the platen when typing. The type-bars, resting on ink pads, were inked when they came back to their starting position. With no ribbon to get between the type-bars and the paper, the printing was very sharp.
You can see my entire collection of 19th century typewriters at my website
Wow! This is amazing. I've never seen one like this. The condition is flawless and it's really beautiful. Thanks for posting.
Yes, thank you, the condition is quite emarkable on this beautiful typewriter.
I am so thrilled to have it in my collection.
very beautiful typerwriter!!
Thank you Sean, I am so pleased that you see and appreciate the beauty of this remarkable early typewriter. Martin