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Bobbed Wire

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (79 items)

    Name those wires? The first correct answer on all four wires, will win a wire (of my choice) the next time I see ya. Be descriptive as possible.

    Hint: number three is a variation.

    Wire and Nails
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    1. barbedwireguy barbedwireguy, 14 years ago
      I'll have a go at this one...
      McNeill "Rider or H barb" - 199B
      Jayne & Hill " Locked staple with wood block" 570B
      Armstrong "Arrow Plate" 653B Not sure here but the tails aren't bent over
      or opened very much? I think the sharp tail on the right side is caused by oxidation but as I said I'm not sure here.
      Shuman "Eight Point Plate" 742B
    2. TheGateKeeper TheGateKeeper, 14 years ago
      Hint on #3. Look at the lines running across the face of the barb.
    3. barbedwireguy barbedwireguy, 14 years ago
      Ok, Is there some ribbing on that bad boy?
    4. gotwire gotwire, 14 years ago
      You got it!! With a little help on the "HINT" from THEGATEKEEPER. I owe you, but I bet you won't have the winning wire on your collection. Probably see you in Pueblo. Thanks for playing, hope you had fun.
    5. barbedwireguy barbedwireguy, 14 years ago
      Yeah it was fun!! Thanks Gatekeeper!
      I'll hold you to that "hard earned" wire. LOL
      We'll see about the winning wire!!

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