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1962 - Skrdlovice Art Glass Bowl -------- Curl on the End ( Interesting Piece )

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Circa 1962 - SKRDLOVICE Art Glass = Pattern number # 6207. I think Very interesting Piece of glass and large. It has very good age related wear on the bottom, The bottom edges are chafed. Quite large at:

    ~ 13 inches Long
    ~ 8 inches wide, at widest point
    ~ Height is 8.5 to the tallest point on the front there.

    What the interesting part of the story here is from that *Robert Bevan- Jones* who is one of the authors of the Book " Beranek & Skrdlovice Legends of Czech Glass by Robert Bevan- Jones and Jindrich Parik." Robert pointed out to me that YES, this is a Piece of SKRDLOVICE glass -- that was instrumental by the Business Man EARL MYERS with the Skrdlovice Glass company. But also Mr. Myers was a Business man that started the LORRAINE ART GLASS COMPANY in Canada later on.

    That is SO interesting as with that Curl on the end, I can kinda see some Canadian Art Glass (properties) seen in both Chalet Art Glass and Lorraine Art Glass. Yet it is SKRDLOVICE.

    So I think that is such neat in a Sense, related via a Business Man EARL MYERS doing buisness with Skrdlovice ( Czech) and starting Lorraine Art Glass ( in Canada)


    ""One of the men who ran this company, Earl Myers, later founded Lorraine Glass Industries in Montreal, Canada and also contracted Skrdlovice (via Glassexport) to produce some designs for him from c.1962 - 63.""



    "..... pointed me towards the then new book by Deborah Patterson on Canadian Glass!__home

    I also had some other unpublished information relating to Lorraine and Mr Earl Myers which was not easily referenced. The text I originally prepared had full footnotes etc.. citing all sources, though this would have probably made the book less reader friendly. During the study, I was pleased to hear of any information, I had even contacted the well known Blenko designer/glassmaker Joel Myers in an effort to learn about Earl. This was because an exhibition had inaccurately advertised Joel as a Skrdlovice designer.... Joel confirmed that he was not and had never been, though he had been invited to and took part in a glass Symposium in the then Czechoslovakia. He was very helpful.

    I recall that there is some information in the Deborah Patterson book about Mr Myers. I hesitated to say Earl Myers was a designer directly as it appeared to me, from what I had read/been told that he was a busy businessman rather than an artist and it was likely that the pattern book referred to his name, as the name of the person commissioning of designs to be produced, not that actually he designed them, as that would be a bit strong without more evidence. From what I had learnt, he was probably primarily a businessman who employed glass workers and artists to create a profitable industry. This indicates that Myers made these designs happen, by his efforts, but did not necessarily draw the shapes himself. The quoted line allows this "contracted to be produced" does not exactly state "designed by". Amazing that a Canadian could get into the country at all at this time and make a business arrangement, he must have been determined!

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @vetraio50 ---- -- You there? Thought you might like to see this too....

    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Hi Rose .... LOVE IT !!!! love that combo of colours. It's my favourite.
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks -- has to do with info I found on your post about Earl Myers

    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Any more information about Earl Myers ???
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Did you see what I quoted that Robert Bevan-Jones said above my post about Earl Myers?? A business man

      Funny as when I look at this -- I see some fluid in it like Canadian Chalet /Lorraine Glass ....when It is Czech!!
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      He was not a glass maker but rather an entrepreneur I suppose. Lorraine glass was begun in 1962 .... the same year as this one was made for him in Czechoslovakia. I'm going to do a little hunting around.
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Yes, that is what Robert Said. Not a designer but just a business man.

      But it is Funny How his name is connected with both Skrdlovice Art Glass (Czech) and Lorraine Art Glass ( Canadian) 1962 -- and there appears some similarities in the Style of them -- When he DID NOT design them himself personally.

      At least being a Canadian, I see similarities to this with Lorraine Glass. I thought You would enjoy this piece!!

      This piece here has a curl up too ( and a few more curls ) BUT you do see some resemblances right ??

      ...and here is another piece with a Curl in Chalet Art Glass -- So funny HOW his name is mentioned in both places (Czech and Canada) -- and the designs KINDA have some similarities too.

      ~ OR am I going Crazy ???? LOL
    9. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Chalet Art Glass Book written by: "Deborah Patterson" has some information in there about Earl Myers when he started Lorraine Art Glass.

      Not sure of the Skrdlovice Czech maker on this piece??
      Emanuel Beranek ?? or who ?? KOTIK, MSTISOV, guesses??
    10. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      The colours on this one are especially beautiful in combination...or at least I think so!
    11. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks SKLO42 -- The colors are kinda similar to my 4 legged Skrdlovice bowl (Emanuel Beranek) that I posted here on CW awhile ago. Not sure if that would be the maker of this piece, - as it is unknown right now

      @Veterio50 - Wonder if "Sid Lethbridge" of ( Canada ) Glassfax Site has any info on Earl Myers??
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Skrdlovice is a town where the Beranek brothers set up a glassworks. The town is in the middle of Czechoslovakia. Mstisov and Karlovy Vary are in the north-west near the German border. Kotik was a designer who did work at Skrdlovice for the Beraneks. Beranek was fairly independent .... and focussed on production of designer pieces.

      From what I've read Earl Myers visited Skrdlovice and Murano. In Italy he was able to convince a number of glass workers to accompany him back to Canada. His competition was Chalet. I can see that this new Skrdlovice of yours is similar to the Chalet and Lorraine pieces. But what came first ..... who was copying who?
    13. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      LOL.....or who is related to who...I just see the same fluid design in it.

      ~ It is a neat piece. Glad I found it!!
    14. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      That 4 legged bowl is a Zemek design ... made at Skrdlovice. It has the same combo of pink and blue .... is it pink or a more light brown?

      What I want to do is to go back and have a look at the designs of the early years and see how many pieces were created for Earl Myers. It will take a day or two.
    15. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Okay, sounds good. Night here...
    16. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      A part II added of the two Czech pieces side by side -- for color. One is a bit darker blue. See below:
    17. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Ha, I'm not crazy, when I saw it I thought it was Chalet! Very pretty! :)
    18. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Well to correct my post, I should say I thought it was Chalet that was unique and different but Chalet nevertheless. Interesting!
    19. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      LOL..... but Skrdlovice Art Glass with a bit of chalet / Lorraine glass connections VIA a business man.

    20. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      I agree Rosie, you can see the similarity between this and your Canadian pieces. I love the colors, and of course, the form!
    21. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      There were fourteen designs are for Earl Myers at Skrdlovice. There were 3 ashtrays, 2 vases, 7 bowls and 1 basket. All have design numbers that begin with 62 .... giving us a year when they were first produced and exported to Canada for sale there.

      I've been looking around the net and have come up with a few new things about Lorraine Glass Industries and Earl C Myers.

      Earl Myers died in 2003.
      "MYERS, Earl C. Formerly of Montreal, died suddenly on Wednesday April 23, 2003. Mr. Myers was President of S.P. Myers and Co. Ltd.; Est. 1897. Survived by his beloved wife Violet, children: Carol, Raymond, Sandra and Susan, sister Jacqueline Lowy and two grandchildren, Morgan and Lauren. The Montreal Gazette, (04/26/03b)"

      You remember the label on the link above of BOB LOUMANALS piece?

      "The Sticker was Silver & Black and has CZECHOSLOVAKIA -HAND MADE CRYSTAL- SPM 1893 with the depiction of a glassblower and a FLEUR-DE-LIS on the lower left of the sticker."

      The Fleur de Lis refers of course to Quebec and Montreal.

      The SPM 1893 are explained in the brief obituary:
      "Mr. Myers was President of S.P. Myers and Co. Ltd.; Est. 1897."

      That's a start ....
    22. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      I've come across some links on the net to a book that might be of import. I've no way here in Australia of accessing this material .... maybe someone over your way can help?
      Toronto Public Library.
    23. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Raymond Myer .... Earl C.'s son may still be alive. He is mentioned a few times in the Chalet/Lorraine material on the net.
    24. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
    25. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @ vetraio50 - I am just going to read through it all right now -- Just got done Supper and dishes. I see you have been hard at work there.

      I am going to read it all and digest it ----- will reply back here shortly

      You * ROCK * with your hard work !!!
    26. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Oh Wow.....What info that is!!

      Where you found out [Quote]:: ""There were fourteen designs are for Earl Myers at Skrdlovice. There were 3 ashtrays, 2 vases, 7 bowls and 1 basket. All have design numbers that begin with 62 .... giving us a year when they were first produced and exported to Canada for sale there.""

      ~~ So he WAS the Designer? Or the Business Man behind it ??

      ~~ Were these ONLY Exported to Canada for Sale ??
    27. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      He was a businessman.
    28. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      He was the head of a Montreal firm that dates back to 1893 .... as it says on the label.

      I went to the catalogue for 1962 and put together that information about the number of designs. In the Skrdlovice book they just say that there were 14 designs.

      I have just given more detail.
    29. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      In my opinion they were only for export to Canada.
    30. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      From what I know they biggest were among the largest pieces done by the factory .... they appeared in some exhibitions that you can see on Jindra's site.

      Sorry I have to leave .... we're off to lunch.
    31. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Wow, Wow, Wow.....VET!! Where do you find all this info? You are a Sleuth here!!

      So this is a bit more Rarer -- or not? Because of the Czech/ Canadian connection and were exported to Canada from there ( not made here ??)
    32. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Not made in Canada but according to the catalogue for the 'Kanada' market.

      All of this info is on the net.

      The year was 1962.

      From what I can make out, Canada had a modernist glass leader in the early sixties with Chalet glass. Earl Myers was able to somehow create another modernist rival to Chalet. Either he or an agent went to Czechoslovakia to import glass to rival the work of the Chalet factory. He was able to get Skrdlovice artisans to create 14 designs that were imported into Canada. It seems that he was able to get a similar deal with Harrachov ... yet another factory willing to export glass to the West.

      Fourteen Skrdlovice designs for the Canadian market.

      Some are very big pieces.
      Emanuel Beranek retired in 1959.

      Who designed these 14 pieces?
      Conjecture .... or maybe someone knows?

      But Earl Myers was on a mission.
      He wanted to create a competitor to the Chalet glass brand.
      That meant either to import glass from Czechoslovakia and/or to create glass in Canada to his own design. He did both!

      It seems he imported a group of workers from Murano:
      "The owner of Lorraine Glass is first an importer of Italian and Czechoslovakian glassware. He goes to Italy and persuades around thirty glassblowers to come to work for him. These workers were not “maestros” in Italy but, since the local work force has no knowledge of hot glass techniques, they are named head of the teams upon their arrival. The employees are divided in three teams of up to seven, eight or nine persons. A team works by using from five to six blowpipes at the same time and the production of objects is divided into several stages carried out according to the skills of the glassblowers, organized into a hierarchical system; the maestro being notably responsible for the most important finishing stages."

      Earl Myers was the owner of Lorraine Glass Industries Limited. He was also head of S.P. Myers and Co. Ltd.

      He set these Italian glass workers up in Montreal producing modernist glass. Chalet were not happy. They were able to lure some of his workers a wat from Lorraine to Chalet ....
      "in 1963 and Angelo Tedesco persuaded seven glass blowers, who had arrived from Murano in 1962, to leave Montreal-based Lorraine Glass Industries for Chalet. He was also instrumental in encouraging more Murano glass blowers from Italy to join their peers at Chalet."

      The year is important!
      Twelve months later and Chalet were stealing his workers away!
      But it was a gradual process.
      "Bruno Panizzon and Giulio Gatto (recruited from Lorraine Glass Industries in 1963) and Angelo Rossi (recruited from Lorraine Glass Industries in 1972) attained master status under the Chalet Maestros." (Ibid)

      S.P. Myers Canada were based in 260 Murray St, Montreal. Although I have seen this too: "Un peu au nord, c'est la (91) Lorraine Glass Industries Ltd. (275 rue Murray), un fabricant de produits d'art en verre, puis ..."

      Lorraine Glass shut down its operations in 1974.

    33. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Did you post this piece on GMB?
    34. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      Rick55 --> --> Thanks for the comment also !! Good Eye too !!
      katherinescollections --> LOL, --> Thanks for the comment also !!
      sklo42 --> Thanks for the comment also !!
      jscott0363 --> Thanks for the comment also !!

      vetraio50 --> VET, YOU GETTING A SPECIAL THANK YOU POST ALL OF YOUR OWN.....See next post.....and Yes I did, and I see you put all your hard work there too. Thanks for that also !!

    35. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      For VETRAIO50 -- Just for YOU and all your research and hard work!!
    36. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      This is a great piece of SKRDLOVICE .... I'm sure I'll never see one here in Oz .... tho' there's mention of export to England and the Netherlands. You never know.
    37. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Just added a reply on GMB with a link to LOUMANAL's piece with sticker.
    38. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @VETRAIO55 - to help downsize some I join in a Flea market...but of course, I always see something I want to *bring* home from other sellers. This caught my eye right away. It remind me of Canadian Glass, but I figured it was Czech ....and with those colors. I think it would be a great piece of any Canadian Glass Collector or SKRDLOVICE collector. It kinds ties in how each influenced another -- and the history of Glass.

      You have really done lots of homework on this piece. I Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Glad to see you posted your info/research on the GMB. thanks for doing that too!!!
    39. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Trust your eye then!!! I really think this is a great piece ... of import actually. If I were in Canada I'd be collecting those fourteen examples of Skrdlovice. Important to the Canadian glass community and a link to the European GLASS tradition.
    40. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @vetraio50 -- Funny you should say that -- I might have just found another.....maybe,

      Finger crossed
    41. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Do you have a copy of the 14 Kanada piece designs?
      If not ... email me.
    42. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Did it VET.....
    43. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      I'm awake I will send you something in a few hours time !!!!
    44. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      It's been sent --- hope you like it !!
    45. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      I've just been going over the photos of the 2009 Skrdlovice exhibition at Pardubice and came across this photo of your piece :

      By the way ... the designer's name on the cards for the Kanada pieces was "Joel Philip Myers" .... which we now know to be incorrect I think.
    46. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      This is an even better [hoto of three of them:
    47. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @VET -- Wow, and Wow !! Great research and links there!! Your the MASTER OF SLEUTHING !! Thanks ever so much...i will check my email here in a bit.

      I will have to put a Good word into SANTA for you !!!!
    48. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @ VET --[ as per your post at # 45 ] Quote: ""By the way ... the designer's name on the cards for the Kanada pieces was "Joel Philip Myers" .... which we now know to be incorrect I think...""""

      ~ I think that other Myers ( JOE PHILLIP MYERS or is it JOEL ....) worked at Blenko Glass

      That might be the other one -- NOT THE ** EARL MYERS ** we are looking for as a Business man for both SKRDLOVICE (Czech) and LORRAINE GLAS ( Canada/ Kanada). Just thought I would mention that ---
    49. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      That's right!!
      This was cleared up in the Skrdlovice book published last year.
      The authors of the book (Robert Bevan Jones & Jindrich Parik) contacted Joel Philip Myers and he cleared up the matter by saying that it was not he who had done these designs.
      The authors contacted David Fisher & Deborah Patterson in Canada and it was they who came up with "Earl Myers" as explained on p.55 of the Skrdlovice book.

      Nothing to do with Blenko.

      A Canadian .... Earl C. Myers of Montreal.
    50. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Found this too ----> EARL C. MYERS


      ""MYERS, Earl C. Formerly of Montreal, died suddenly on Wednesday April 23, 2003. Mr. Myers was President of S.P. Myers and Co. Ltd.; Est. 1897. Survived by his beloved wife Violet, children: Carol, Raymond, Sandra and Susan, sister Jacqueline Lowy and two grandchildren, Morgan and Lauren. The Montreal Gazette, (04/26/03)""""
    51. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      As I mentioned before ... he had four children and Raymond was involved in the glass trade too. Perhaps he or the others know something about the history behind these pieces ???
    52. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 9 years ago
      Wow Rose, this is beautiful! Lots of great info too.

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