Posted 9 years ago
(384 items)
I got this awesome display the other day off of EBay:) I saw one earlier that afternoon at Als roadside relics in Gainesville Fl. Al the treasure King I call him, every time I go over there I find something new!! The only bad part is usually not for sale unless you ask constantly like I do. Case in point my beautiful SHELL sign I asked for three years. Anyway he told me he wanted to keep it and I was like OK. It was fate that I found this one on EBay because his was missing most of the handles and all the description paper inserts were gone too. Happy hunting my friends and Merry Christmas.
Thanks for the love inky.
Oh Trey, that is too cool! First of all, I had no idea that such an item existed. Second of all, I never realized that window cranks broke so often that you could buy aftermarket window cranks at you local gas station back in the day. Congrats on your cool find!!!
Thanks for the love Rick55.
Thanks for the love officialfuel.
Thanks for the love and nice comment jscott0363:) I am glad I saw this at my buddy's place or I would of never thought to look for it. I can't believe it still that there was one on EBay!!
Thanks for the love and the nice comment antiquerose:)
Thanks for the love and the nice comment Nicefice:)
Very nice new find. What is there that u don't collect?
Very cool Trey
I recently found a old Yale skeleton Lock and key display on ebay, couldn't believe I walked off with it for $35 bucks, just keeping on searching. The really cool things always seem to find good homes. Really nice window crank display. Oh guess I will fall into the what don't you collect category along with you Trey.
Thanks for the love and nice comment Rattletrap:) I guess I'm going for the Cracker Barell decor look:) I guess that's why I like to eat there.
Thanks for the love and nice comment davekelejian:) please post your lock and key display I would love to see it.
trade that clark sign for this!come on up!
Thanks for the love gargoylecollector:) I just got it!!!! If I get rid of it I won't find another one.
Thanks for the love Signaholic.
Thanks for the love mikelv85.
Thanks for the love Caperkid.
Thanks for the love AnnaB.
Thanks for the love blunderbuss2.
you sound like me,I need 3 before I can trade!lol
You know how it is Man LOL:)
Thanks for the love nutsabotas6.
Thanks for the love Sean.
Thanks for the love bobby725.
Thanks for the love OKCJim.
Thanks for the love fortapache.
Thanks for the love DaveSierra.
Thanks for the love Roycroftbooksfromme1.
Thanks for the love RonM.
Thanks for the love EJW-54.
Thanks for the love pickrknows.
Thanks for the love Rick55.
How did I miss this....very old school cool :-)
Thanks for the love Rustfarm.
Thanks for the love Otaco4me.
Thanks for the love ho2cultcha.
Those old door handles often broke because they were made out of 'pot metal' I think mostly zinc. The zinc gave high detail and was cheap, but not very strong. Henry Ford started using stainless steel for the outside door handles in 1930 and they are as good as new 80 years later!
Thanks for the like charmsomeone.
Thanks for the like Beachbum58.
Thanks for the love and kind words Kerry:)
Thanks for the love Efesgirl.
Thanks for the love AnnaB.
Thanks for the love Iras.
Thanks for the history on these seeker40:) I guess that's why Ford is still the best!!
Thanks for hitting the love button again antiquerose:)
Thanks for the love Brunswick.
I just happened to find one of these while cleaning out my Dad's garage. It is missing some of the handles and a little of the label. I will sell it, but have no idea what to ask for it. If anybody would like pictures I will be more than happy to provide them for you, and you can make me an offer I can't refuse!! Otherwise I will just stick it on Ebay and see where it goes. --Thanks--Rick
Opps- Sorry bout that, I did not know it--Rick
Thanks for the love tttomtucker.
R57emery I paid 100 for it:)
Thanks Trey, I guess I can go from there. It is a real cool piece, I didn't know Dad even had it. Of course he was a pack rat. I found lots of stuff in the new boxes, but he put the old part that wasn't any good back in it and put it on the shelf. I thought I was finding good stuff and so far it is just about all junk--But that was Dad!!
Thanks for the love Celiene.
Thank you for the love MacDaddyRico.
Thanks for the love ttomtucker.