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Martin Maier -Oak Slat (Bevel top) Trunk

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (64 items)

    A Martin Maier oak slat (Bevel top) trunk with original complete interior
    tray and rose lithograph.Iron corners and Martin Maiers Signature patented hinges.This rare trunk of alternating colored oak slats has been one of the trunks that I have searched for many years to add to my collection.

    I found this one a few days ago on C/List and made the 5 hr. round trip to
    get it. Nothing has been done to it as of yet .It is in incredible shape for it's age needs only minor repairs(missing handles etc.) that I will make, but will keep this one as original as possible.
    Amazing to realize that the man who owned the company that made this trunk ,marched in General Sherman's army. Fighting all through the south during the civil war ,just a few years before manufacturing this trunk.He went on to build one of the premier trunk manufacturing houses in Detroit.Five stories high with 160 employees.

    Neat to see that it survived all these years. I have seen only 5 or 6 of this particular trunk in 15 years of collecting.

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    1. Drill Drill, 9 years ago

      Here is the hinge patent and a neat picture of Martin Maier with signature.
      hope it posts this time.
    2. KathyKay, 9 years ago
      Beautiful trunk, long road trip but definitely worth it. It will look amazing cleaned up, post pictures when you are done. This is one of the trunks that is on the top of my list to acquire for my collection.
    3. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 9 years ago
      Super find Drill... it's a great one! I would have made the drive too... in fact I'll drive right over and pick it up if you just tell me which day is best!
    4. inky inky, 9 years ago
      Great trunk..Merry Christmas!..:-)
    5. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      This is just FANTASTIC!! This trunk is in amazing condition and really just beautiful! I love it when the original interior survives and in such incredible condition. That hardware is just killer!This is still on my trunk bucket list and I've yet to come across one that's not 5 states away from me. This was definitely worth the 5 hour round trip to get!!!
      A Very Merry Christmas to you and your family. May 2016 bring you good health, happiness, prosperity and many wonderful trunk finds!!!
    6. Drill Drill, 9 years ago
      Thank you everyone for the loves and holiday cheer,health and much happiness around the holidays to all. I began cleaning this trunk and fell in love even more.
      I will post more pictures when completed.
    7. FatBoy64, 9 years ago
      Very cool. I'm guessing Santa Claus is going to have to come up with something really great to get your attention now. ;)
    8. trunkman trunkman, 9 years ago
      WOW-- Drill what an awesome find!!! Spectacular trunk -- and you will have it looking even more stunning... Only a 5hr. round trip you say?? -- you would have gone a lot further would be my guess...
    9. Drill Drill, 9 years ago
      FatBoy64- Santa just needs to bring me more sandpaper for this baby.
      T-Man - 5hrs. each way is about my limit.Unless there is a great fishing hole close by
      jscotto- I'll send you the link to the next one, I find down by you.
      In Fact -everyone should update their CW profile with their E-mail and their state ,for I search the web each week for the "Rare ones" That is my other hobby, searching for gold . I know that I can't have all the ones I find,I am always willing to share if I know where you are located and your interests.
      Happy Holidays! Marvin -you would need a ton of fuel to get to NewJersey.
    10. KathyKay, 9 years ago
      Drill, if you spot one of these near Rhode Island let me know. Four hour road trip is worth it for a trunk like this. Happy Holidays.
    11. Drill Drill, 9 years ago
      Ok Kathy
    12. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Drill check this out (hope its still posted)

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