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Art Deco1900 of 4086my art deco sentinel pocket watch.MOP bowl on Deco stand
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (95 items)

    I've posted these holiday snaps on a couple of cruises around our neighbours in Kiwi land in the hope Art Deco enthusiasts might be interested in viewing. The photos were taken in Napier New Zealand, a small town on the East coastline of the Northern Island.
    In 1931 Napier endured a destructive earthquake rating 7.9 R.S, most of the buildings were destroyed and a few hundred lives lost by the earthquake which lasted 3 minutes or the fires that followed as a result.
    It took 2 years to rebuild Napier (good old Kiwi spirit!) and the town is now considered one of the "purest Art Deco cities in the world".
    On arrival in Napier one is taken back to the era of Art Deco. Buildings, vehicles, statues in the malls, music, street lamps and the general energy of the townspeople. I hope you like it. Happy New Year to everyone. X

    Art Deco
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Happy New Year Lulu!

      (is that a sugar glider in your house? or just a feral brush tail possum)
    2. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      Happy New Year back to you racer4four.X

      She is a Brush Tail (not feral but common) that set up house in my garage roller door and has a joey that has become quite big now. They don't make a noise, so take their partying to neighbours (LOL) and surprisingly don't make a smelly mess except for the gumleaves they drop. I call them out and hand feed both of them most late afternoons and she is extremely polite and gentle. Their claws could rip your finger off if they wanted to! On the other side of the garage, little Ringtails moved in, they are very shy and I rarely see them except for the little tails in the rafters. I like to think these little native marsupials all have a "safe place" to sleep. :)
    3. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      Happy New Year and thank you for the luvs ho2cultcha, racer4four and mikelv85.X
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      Wonderful!!! Happy New Year Lulu!! May 2016 be filled with happiness, good health and prosperity for you and your family!
    5. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Sorry I thought you were in Enzed where these are feral.
      I'm in a bushy part of Sydney and although we have gliders and brushies on the roof and in our trees none are that tame to us. How wonderful for you!
    6. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      Thank you Scott, and back to you.X
    7. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      I agree most possum dwellers make a nuisance of themselves with squabbling and thumping about, but I'm lucky to have wonderful tenants in the garage, funny they seemed to have picked up on my gestures and is it my imagination ...... some words!!!! We breed them smart in Victoria LOL. X
    8. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      Thank you vetraio50, jscott0363 and kyratango for the luvs. X
    9. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      Antiquerose and caperkid thank you for the luvs. X
    10. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      stunning and too see these bulidings and other things protected and brought back to life!!
    11. LuluX LuluX, 9 years ago
      Yes SEAN68, it was stunning and no tall buildings. Because the town was rebuilt between 1931 and 1933 it's so ... "real time". Only 3 little attached houses in the town survived that were built before 1931 and they are called the "Three Sisters". Thanks for your appreciation and luv. :)

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