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Everybody needs a room to stick their thangs!!!

Damonways's loves114 of 167Rusty iron items from my #31971 GMC 1500 shorty step side
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (385 items)

    After seeing Signaholics basement country store madness , Here's how my sickness is taking over this room!!
    Every collector needs a space to showcase their "treasures"!!
    This is mine.

    P.S., the boss lady calls this the "Junk Room"!!!


    1. Collectomaniac Collectomaniac, 9 years ago
      Awsum! Now there's a collector's cave :)
    2. fortapache fortapache, 9 years ago
      Very well displayed. The store display case works well.
    3. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      That's awesome.! Please ask the Boss if I can come over and do some shopping. :)
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      If this is junk....what's the good stuff look like ?? I dream of having this type of style and organization I really do feel like a hoader ! :)
    5. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      That's great! My basement isn't big enough....
    6. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 9 years ago
      From a lady: This is obviously not junk! Treasures. It's great that you take your interest seriously, that's something I have learnt from men I know and I'm grateful for that :).
    7. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Fantastic room, love all in it!
      So much space, the counter cabinet is GREAT, and love too the wall colour, enlights all hangings :-D
    8. Edisonfan Edisonfan, 9 years ago
      Looks incredible!
    9. walksoftly walksoftly, 9 years ago
      Excellent display!
    10. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      WANT! Great space! So tidy & comfortable!
    11. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      That is far from a Junk Room ...... I am concerned about the empty spaces in the show case,lol

      Very Nice!
    12. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thank you Collectomaniac for the nice comment, it's my guitar practice cave!!
    13. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the nice comment fortapache, I love the old display counters too!!
    14. kerry10456 kerry10456, 9 years ago
      Very nicely done, I'd be proud of a room like this...Kudos on job well done
    15. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      wow I have a room and I guess it looks more like a mess after after seeing your so beautifully displayed room. I am with AZ fill that cabinet more :-) Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection room .
    16. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Nice. So much better than my toy/garage/storage area. I am trying to sneak my tin toy collection into the living room this weekend while the wife is away.
    17. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      If you got it - flaunt it !
    18. Signaholic Signaholic, 9 years ago
      That's right! Bernie this room is stunning! I love how you have yours and hers in the same room. I wish we had one room in our house that this would work in. Guess I'll have to be satisfied wthat th different floor for now. Lol
    19. Signaholic Signaholic, 9 years ago
      "With different floors" is what I meant to type!
    20. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Beautiful collection! Love the display case and the wall case!
    21. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much for the nice comment OneGoodFind, shop away!!!
    22. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thank you for the kind words mikelv85!
    23. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thank you for the nice comments Efesgirl, Elisabethan, and kyratango!
    24. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thank you for the nice comments edisonfan, walk, and Celiene!!
    25. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much Tom, I'm keeping room for a few new additions!!
      You keep posting new things I'm jonesing on and it'll be full in no time!!
      Great to have you as a toy inspiration !!
      Cheers to you Tom!!
    26. MyFavoriteTreasures MyFavoriteTreasures, 9 years ago
      Wowza! Your showroom is fabulous!
    27. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much for the kind words Kerry and Mani, Otaco4me, and bladerunner22!!
    28. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Hey Perry, thanks so much for the kind words!
      Believe it or not, non of this stuff is the wife's, it's alllll mine!!!
      I inherited several a-typical collections for a guy,(The thimbles,owls, German pottery, Herend ceramics, glass ware etc), and when I see a piece that fit's, I add it to the collection!
      The hand-grenades are definitely mine though !!
      Cheers buddy!!
    29. kerry10456 kerry10456, 9 years ago
      Bernie, here's something for you ponder, as per request....
    30. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 9 years ago
      Late to the party with my comment. Two words: Out. Standing.

      I also like how your collection has leaked out of the garage and game room, into the blissful domestic scene, without being too intrusive to those not similarly afflicted. Well played, Bern. Well played...
    31. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much Dave, you know what's going on here I can see!!
      First the games room, then a few things here and there, and before she knew it, whamo, the stuff is everywhere!!!Haha, she did'nt even see it coming!!
    32. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much for the nice comments robin56, nicefice, and MyFavoriteTreasures!!
    33. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Very nice room:) this is one junk room I could love.
    34. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Love this room!!! :)
    35. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much for the nice comments Trey and Katherine!!

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