Posted 15 years ago
(13 items)
During World War II while my uncle was a U.S. Marine fighting in the Pacific on Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Saipan, and my father was in the U.S. Navy rescuing bomber crews and towing in downed bombers in the Atlantic (yes, they actually floated), my grandfather was doing his part on the homefront. He was an Air Raid Warden for his hometown.
He was issued this handbook along with a second handbook on First Aid.
You can also view the First Aid Handbook here:
As I was going through some of Dad's things, I came across an air warden whistle. I never knew about it until after he passed away. He served during WWII once he was out of HS and was a part of the invasion of Southern France with the USN in June, 1944.
Looking thru my fathers stuf I found a white steel hat. He was in the national guard and I can only assume that he was also an air raid warden. Life has shown us that our fathers made this country the greatest country in the world. They died for us and we need to remember what they died for.
I inherited a US Army Model 1909 pistol that was issued to an air raid warden in my county. I am trying to track down who it was issued to and any added info. about thhe government issue of these guns.