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Oriental Lotus Shape Xianfeng Bowl, circa 1851-61

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (28 items)

    Purchased this bowl last weekend at a local flee market. The owner was bringing it to sell while I was present and I made him an offer, SOLD. He said his mother was a collector and had purchased many pieces in the 1950-60s. The ID sticker was on the back, I guess from when she purchased it.
    Does anyone know the Mark???
    If it's worth keeping because of all the crazing??
    I got his name and number because he said said he has about 20 more similar pieces. If anyone has any info on this bowl I would appreciate it I don't want to make a 2 hour trip for no reason.
    Many thanks ahead of time.

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 9 years ago
      Noting the painting often overflows the borders I wonder if this was a hastily decorated piece, or one decorated by children for export.maybe used in a not so elegant home? I am not familiar with style--but I am sure an expert will appear shortly. It seems pretty unique and it's delightful.
    2. Masterpearl Masterpearl, 9 years ago
      Thank you so much for the info.
      I never thought of children painting this but looking at it again it makes sense.
    3. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      To me this looks like a 19th century piece of ceramic but that mark is not usual for Xianfeng period. I am no expert by any means. Perhaps follow up with a question on a Facebook group like:
      Collecting Chinese Ceramics&Art
      There are some incredibly knowledgeable and helpful people there.
    4. Masterpearl Masterpearl, 9 years ago
      Thanks , I'll try and find them on facebook
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      that's not crazing. it's known as craquelure and was done by painting it w/ ink as it cooled. the ink settled in the cracks. this has been done for eons in china. your piece is very nice!

      the brown at the top rim is known as 'bronzeing' and that, along w/ the craquelure might help you figure out when your famille rose pottery was made.
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      the faces are good - they show individual character - and that is a sign of a good piece. i don't think it looks hastily done.
    7. Masterpearl Masterpearl, 9 years ago
      Thanks everyone
      You have led me on a good path????
    8. apostata apostata, 5 years ago
      this does, not feel good, cute but suspect
    9. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      what s happing here is the 4 character abbrevited Chengua mark trick , probably around late guanghu maybee even later , the scene might be a stloen kangxy theme

      glazing comparison is most likely nangking ware fin de siecle

      best regards Waki

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