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Shaman dolls

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Japanese Dolls280 of 295Shiokumi My first Hinamatsuri
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (31 items)

    According to what I researched, these dolls represent shamans from Kyoto.

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    1. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Your collection is exquisite
    2. wolcott1 wolcott1, 14 years ago
      Awesome. How old are they? Did you purchase them in Japan?
      I used to have a small Japanese doll collection when I was little. I loved them, I wish I still had them...
    3. iamken iamken, 14 years ago
      thank you Vestawind..

      Wolcotti- i have no idea about their age since I am admiring their beauty. hehe
      I purchased this at flea market here in Manila
    4. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      A shaman Shamans. Inspired, ecstatic, and charismatic individuals, male and female, with the power to control spirits, often by incarnating them, and able to make journeys out of the body, both to ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’. The word is traced to the Tungu in Siberia (where shamanism is common), though the claim is also made (but not universally accepted) that the origin is in the Skt. ?r?ma?a, reaching China in the form of shamen and Japan of shamon. The word is now used of a wide variety of people who enter trance and ecstatic states, and make ‘out of the body’ journeys.
      I personally have no idea what the dolls here "represent"---but I could help with the word meaning.
    5. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      and....I agree with you. We see these, sold as collectibles eyerywhere. Some used to be in individual glass cases, remember? We are that old. Hee hee, I think they became real popular after WW11. Right? These here--are really cute and wonderfully dressed. (and look new to me)

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