Manila, Philippines
Personal Website:…
These are the few of my favorite things:
- violin (part of my life...hehehehe)
- Orient food (Japanese, Korean and Chinese),Shin Ramen, Sushi, tempura, sashimi aThese are the few of my favorite things:
- violin (part of my life...hehehehe)
- Orient food (Japanese, Korean and Chinese),Shin Ramen, Sushi, tempura, sashimi and Curry.
- kimchi and kimbap
- Pattaya and Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai (Malaysian delicacy)
- potato chips, kropeck and chocolates.
- congee for breakfast
- cultural studies and linguistics (korean)
- collectibes (kewpie and ningyo..what is it)
- coffee...frapp is the always
- comic books (MARVEL, DC, TOPCOW, ASPEN and of course...MANGA..)
- strawberry milk, green tea
- Smoothies
- sunrise and sunset
- jazz, chill out, house and lounge music
- noh, kabuki and koto music
- Cherry blossoms (Read more)