Posted 14 years ago
(3 items)
My parents are moving and have gone through their storage and we found about 40 gorgeous Japanese dolls in various conditions. They belonged to my grandmother who lived in Japan since her birth in 1902 until after the wars. She lived to be 104! I need help identifying these dolls. I know they are from the Japanese girls festival because I remember my grandmother set them all up for display when I was in girl scouts 4o years ago! I know there are musicians and dancer dolls and a few geisha dolls. I will try to post several. Thanks ahead of time for your help!
The doll depicts a geisha playing with Tsuzumi
The tsuzumi is a Japanese drum of Chinese/Indian origin. It consists of a wooden body shaped like an hourglass, and it is taut, with two drum heads with cords that can be squeezed or released to increase or decrease the tension of the heads respectively. This mechanism allows the player to raise or lower the pitch of the drum while playing, not unlike the African talking drum.
Care for this instrument is peculiar in that the drum heads must be exposed to moisture to produce a desirable sound. Before playing the tsuzumi, the player will breathe very close to the head that will be struck. Sometimes he will even take some saliva and apply it to the head of the drum. The quality of sound of the drum will depend on how much moisture is in the atmosphere where it is being played. To make sure the drum heads are moist, the player will breathe into the drum head at intervals when he is not playing.
The tsuzumi plays roles in both Noh and kabuki theater music, but it is also used in min'y?, or Japanese folk music.