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Streamline Cathedral Heater - Associated Industries Model 42B3

All items115515 of 245852"Tin Toy Stories" ~ EPCOT 2009 Disney World exhibitHubby's Restoration...AGE?
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    Electric streamline cathedral heater model 42B3 manufactured by Associated Industries in Los Angeles. I was unable to find any information about this company, but it is possibly related to a company of the same name that currently exists in Los Angeles and was founded in 1946. Heater is extremely dangerous. Element wire is openly exposed beneath and behind heater. Metal case gets incredibly hot and heat radiates to surface below heater with sufficient intensity to cause combustion. Asbestos based element board appears very fragile and is not securely attached to case due to poor design. It is easy to see why there are no other existing examples I have found.


    1. Rustfarm Rustfarm, 9 years ago
      Mmmmmmmmm, asbestos!
    2. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      I lived in a house from the 1940s. It was never updated. Asbestos hanging out of a collapsing ceiling, using am microwave and the heater blew a fuse (I hate fuses now!) and pipes that hardly worked-- the only identifiable 'modern' update was installing a shower and removing the danged tub before we moved in (when we replaced the bathroom floor, we found a very 194os yellow tile one beneath). Oh, let us not forget layers of lead paint on the walls and peeling off.
      This heater would really fit in (my room-heater itself had a frayed cord. One was needed as the heater did not put out much heat. My room had no overhead light. Most rooms didn't. Even the kitchen.)
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      This is a great item!!! so art deco!!
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      really cool!!

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