Posted 9 years ago
(222 items)
Rare Desmo Jaguar SS Car Mascot
I got this one from Fieldings Auctioneers in England on July 21st, 2012 auction. It was model 521 in an old 1930's catalog and advertised as heavily chased (detail engraving) in the 30's ad. There were 2 auctions that had one of these but the other one did not have a radiator cap, and usually the ones with the original cap are much more desired and can be a good sign of authenticity in some cases.
An expert on Jaguar who also wrote a book on the mascots said to me: " The Desmo was indeed mounted on SS cars, especially during the two-year period between the launch of the Jaguar name in 1936 and the launch of Jaguar's own mascot in December 1938." He told me that the Desmo Jaguar is one of the most forged mascots. I was then worried. I sent him photos of this one that I bought and he said he was sure it looked like the real one. So I guess I was lucky, and that I got an original one - my books do help !! Thd news, I was relieved. I got this by Fed-ex, Friday August 10, 2012 in the afternoon, its a real beaut, the detail is perfection. There are two versions of this one mascot. The other version has him leaping from a mound and is different !~
A real beaut !
Another great write up and fantastic mascot !! xo
Curious: How long have you been collecting these & what prompted you to start ?
Thanks Blunder, I only started around 2011 I believe, but its something I took on and I cannot pinpoint why right now. I think it was seeing a mascot somewhere and I was hooked. I like to take on projects which seem hard to collect and learn some things in the process. To take on the unapproachable. I remember there was an auction and number one was the spacecraft by Alex Tremulus who was a famous car designer. He even wrote about spacecraft, U.F.O.'s and worked in area 51. I decided I was going to have that spacecraft and build a mascot collection. Then I got 3 books from Austria on car collecting and when I further got more and more books, I realized I was more stuck on the French ones. One of the best collectors is living in Canada also and he alone has written 7 or 8 books which I bought from him.
Yeah, I get the feel. Blunderbusses ? As a kid in the 50's, my family would go to Daytona. I made friends with an old man who owned Gene's Tackle Shop & had several doz. dust covered old guns (mostly muskets) hanging on a wall supported by wires. Talked him into selling me 1 each visit. I saved my lawn & errand money each year. There was an authentic brass barreled blunderbuss, but he wanted $10 more for it. (This is when nice condition CW muskets, Winchesters, Sharps etc. sold for $10-20). I never got the "brass ring" & guess my quest started then! C'est l' vive ! Gute nacht
Kind of like that 1 blunderbuss I could never seem to afford. I got what I wanted out of you & understand your drive now. Thanks.
I like your story blunder :-)
Thanks Phil for your Lovely post -- and I can vouch that PHIL has a stunning, stunning collection of the utmost stunning quality!!
So Glad your back -- Miss ya -- and all your old posts!!
Another glorious one, Phil!
Could you show us your very first mascot?
All my collections begun with a rare and cheap piece... of course, following others weren't such bargains ;-)
Thanks antique rose, you say such nice things. Kyratango I will be posting my spacecraft which was my very first mascot. It started the whole ball rolling.
This is so beautiful. Design trends made Jaguar quit their gorgeous hood ornament, that lives only in their company logo now. We have jaguars here in Brazil, the real ones. Even here in São Paulo which is an industrial state where Nature was almost completely degraded, there are still patches of rainforest where some of these incredible animals live.
The standard one mascot, mcheconi, that Jaguar made was and still is very much reproduced. How exciting it must be to see one of these real, live creatures. I always wondered what Brazil was like. I think the first time I heard about it was on the popeye cartoon, "on the road to rio," a Popeye cartoon, during the 60's replays.
Thank you ttomtucker and toolate2 for stopping by !
Thanks for the xmas note radegunder, the best to you !~
Thanks Hoot60, love to you and your family !~
This Jaguar mascot is so fierce and alive looking, the early one was far superior to their later sleek type model. Great catch with this one Phil, grrr!
Thank you Jenni, I appreciate your visit !~
Thanks for loves Cisum, vcal, raven3766, Newfld, Rooster123, Collectables59 & Hoot60