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Singer Sewing Machine

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Singer Sewing Machines675 of 719my pre 1900s singer sewing machine1961 Singer Rocketeer Slant-o-Matic in cabinet.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (2 items)

    Found this at an estate auction years ago. We use it from time to time. Still works great. Just dont know much about it. Any info is appreciated.

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    1. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      What you have is a class 15 Singer machine with what is called a potted motor . It is called that because the motor is enclosed and is gear driven . No belts needed . These are very good machines and they seem to last forever . Yours was made in 1946 .
    2. Neal Degner, 14 years ago
      My wife has one that was passed down by her mother (the original owner). She has put away her new machine and uses the old Singer for everything. She really enjoys sewing with it and it works great. The cabinet is in like new condition and very handy with it's designed storage.
    3. Clutch, 14 years ago
      Many thanks for the info. Yes -they do work great! Never had an issue with it.
    4. karen bilton, 14 years ago
      hi i just bought a singer 99k, i used to have an old singer before but cant remember what number it was. have you any info on the singer 99k
    5. karen bilton, 14 years ago
      hi can you tell me what year the singer 99k was introduced
    6. cindyjune cindyjune, 14 years ago
      I'm making a quilt this summer on a machine just like yours. It belongs to my Mom who is 94 years young and she put her machine to the test over and over. It's a great machine and I don't think it will ever wear out!
    7. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Karen : Before I can tell you what year your Singer 99K was introduced I will need the serial number . It is found on the front of the machine on top of the machine bed right below the badge .
    8. Ambi, 14 years ago
      I have a machine similar to yours with the cabinet by The Singer Manufacturing Co. It is a model J084278. Not sure what year, but it may be from the 1940s as well. Cabinet is still in great condition.
    9. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Ambi : Your machine was made in 1904 in Clydebank , Scotland according to the Singer web site .
    10. Denise, 14 years ago
      I also have an old Singer sewing machine that my FIL came across quite sometime ago. The serial # is JG275472. I was also trying to find out a value for it. Thank you.
    11. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Denise : Are you sure of the serial # of your machine ? I could only find numbers that start with a JC . Sometimes the C looks like a G . I have seen that before . What I found on the Singer web site is a serial # JC275472 made in 1948 . Also it is near imposable to give a value of a machine without seeing it in person . There are many things to take into consideration . Age alone does not mean value .
    12. Denise, 14 years ago
      Hi, yes, it is JC, my bad. Fingers must have crossed while typing. I also came across another interesting thing about this machine. When I looked up the "S.S." # on the singer website, there are no "AU" listings. My S.S. # is AU52-17-1. I double checked it to make sure it wasn't an "AJ" or anything similar.
      Thanks for any help you can provide.
    13. Denise, 14 years ago
      Anything on my last comment?? I was wondering if there was anything particular about the SS #. Thanks.
    14. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Denise : I have never seen a Singer machine with the numbers that start with AU . That does not mean that there were none . I do know that some of the Singer records were lost in a fire and maybe those were the records lost . I just do not know . I have not been studying up on the Singers like I did at one time and I have also forgotten some things . I just have to go back and look things up . As to value on any machine it all depends on condition . Just because a machine is old that does not mean that it is worth a lot of money . The only anitque or vintage Singers that are worth a lot of money are the Featherwieghts and other machines with the paint and decals in good condition and that are in good working order . The value is like any other collectable . Condition is everything and what someone is willing to pay for it .
    15. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      Nancy, I have something inside this breadbox marked "singer" can you put your hand in there and tell me what it is??????????????????/ I can't believe you are responding like you are !
    16. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      Sorry Nancy, my monster comes out late at night .........................:-(
    17. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Pop_abides : Ha , Ha !!!!!!
    18. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      So happy you can see my shame (red face)....................
    19. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Pop_abides : I do get tired of people who do not look things up for themselves at times . A lot of people think that just because a sewing machine is old and belonged to grandma or great grandma that it is worth a bunch of money . That just is not the case as I stated above . It all comes down to condition . I love the older Singers and I have a bunch of them . But most of them are no longer beautiful . However I have one that is my pride and joy that I wish I could share a picture of on here , but I do not know how to post photos . It is like new and is a Singer class 66 -1 treadle with the back clamping feet . The paint and decals are pristine and it sews like a new machine . I have it set up in my livingroom just so I can look at it . One like this is really a collectable machine . That is what I keep trying to get across to ones that keep asking for a value of their old machines without any photos or serial numbers .
    20. hotkitties, 14 years ago
      Nancy Salisbury-
      I just listed an old Singer here, I have tried to look up the serial number but can't find where to do that. Can you tell me the website you use? I don't care about any monetary value, my machine belonged to my grandmother who died before I was born, that is the value to me. thanks!
    21. Denise, 14 years ago
      Nancy -
      Thank you for your response and information. I was not aware that Singer had lost records in a fire, nor would I have any idea to even attempt to look for information like that. I appreciate that information. I just wondered because of the odd AU number that it had on the off chance that that might have made it more valuable but your information about lost records cleared up that question. My machine is NOT in the greatest condition, missing parts possibly, paint and decals not in the greatest condition. I am going to check with a local antique shop to see if they might take it off my hands for whatever amount, just so I no longer have an over-sized paperweight laying around.
      Thanks again. :-)
    22. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      hotkitties : I have the offical Singer web site bookmarked on my computer . They just changed it and the only way I now know how to get to it is to go to the favorites on my computer . However if you google ( dating a singer sewing machine ) and go down the page to the Ismaces address they also have the Singer dating charts there . It will say ( The Singer Sewing Machine Co. ) Click on Serial number chart - with dates and you will find it .
    23. mary, 14 years ago
      I thought I was buying a featherweight today at this estate sale, but after reading up on them maybe its not a featherweight?? has a wooden case like a coffin. Does not have the plate that folds up though it runs and is in beautiful shape. All parts and pieces. Any idea which model I have?? SN is AH906605.
    24. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Mary : According to the Singer Web site and the serial number of your machine what you have is a Singer class 15 machine made Nov. 29 , 1948 . They are good machies .
    25. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Denise if you are still reading - the number you quoted AU52-17-1 looks like a motor number. There are no records for these. The serial number is only on the machine body.

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