cindyjune » collections




I'm a New Englander, always looking for the unusual trinkets, glass and tools. I've been collecting for quite a while now and have realized that I have to let some I'm a New Englander, always looking for the unusual trinkets, glass and tools. I've been collecting for quite a while now and have realized that I have to let some things go. I'm running out of room! Istarted with Mccoy cookie jars way back when and they still hold a place in my heart. (Read more)


  1. Great clocks!
  2. Thank you Tim. I recently moved and just saw your wonder info today!thanks!
  3. Whoo! Had trouble logging in! Thanks for all the likes and the helpful comments. I am learning about how all this works. kwqd, I am crazy about genealogy also. I came from stock that lives a l...
  4. I have the bird on the left, it chirps somehow when wound up. I also have a smaller bird that hops around and pecks the ground when wound up. I can't find the key!! The original box for mine say ma...
  5. I will send an email as well. thanks for the update SpiritBear!
  6. How stunning! I love timepieces of all kinds and this is A+ gorgeous!
  7. Awesome headdress! and great pic! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Beautiful! Looks like something Salvadore Dali would have in his home lol So interesting!
  9. Love these little dogs! Nice!
  10. Thanks all for your love! I love this piece too!
  11. Great auction win! I love the old phones, I've never seen one like this. Thanks for posting.
  12. Very cool find! I remember when we thought paper dresses would really catch on but now I am so glad they didn't. Thanks for posting these!
  13. These are great! I love miniatures. I used to paint for a local company. I see your Cinderella. I must have painted 6 gross of them!
  14. Love it! I would love to have one of those in my house!
  15. Crazy item, really great! We need more humor like that on the market today!
  16. Nice jewelry find!
  17. Stunning! What an awesome collection you have!
  18. Amazing collection and the color variation is super!
  19. Love the Beach Boys too! Saw them in concert here years ago when they were no longer "boys" :) Love "Wouldn't it Be Nice"!
  20. He is Risen. Love the flowers! We have snow flurries expected tomorrow here in Massachusetts but I saw a purple Crocus in my yard today!
  21. I love seeing your Sherman jewelry! The photos take my breath away!
  22. Beautiful simplicity! Love it!
  23. Hi welzebub! I imagine you are right, I guess we are in the minority few who saw them live. I was pretty young, around 13 or 14, and I remember alot of girls screaming and crying!
  24. I'm just starting to learn about Sherman jewelry. This piece is stunning! Thanks for all your postings!
  25. How beautiful!
  26. I love this piece! I collect dragonflies especially but love your little pin!
  27. Thanks Manikin and Nutsa, I think it is beautiful also!
  28. this is a stunning bracelet and I like the way it is constructed. Makes me think of summer and cool watermelon!
  29. Incredibly gorgeous! My first thought was picturing the Queen of England wearing this!
  30. Thanks, nutsa. I never wear the bling but I love finding it!
  31. I love these elephants! I have one that is also missing his tusks, I guess that must be the most fragile part. Your almost look like stone.
  32. A beautiful crazy quilt!
  33. Very interesting looking. Nice find!
  34. Love it!
  35. Thanks for the comments! Bud always signed his name with the little curly cue underneath. Awww!
  36. I love it too! Glass is fun to collect! How tall is this piece? Love the color.
  37. Inky thank you so much! I have had this packed away for so long I forgot all about it. I love this group, so much combined knowledge.Cheers!
  38. Hmmmmm!
  39. Really nutsabotas? I don''t know much about Eisenberg jewelry. Guess it's time to study some more. Thanks for your comments!
  40. They almost look like clay to me. Possibly button covers?
  41. How beautiful! I think it is Abalone also. I love the earthiness of copper,
  42. I think I will pick up some Sculpy and replace the missing cookies. I remember seeing corncob pipe displays like this one (only bigger) at the local country store. Easy bake oven, I always wanted o...
  43. Groovy artwork!
  44. Thanks for the kind words! I have so many other pieces displayed in printers trays. It was a great job because it was piece work and I took it home with me when my daughter was just a toddler. Pain...
  45. Love it!
  46. I love this! I have never seen anything quite like it!
  47. Stunning! I love chairs and yours is very special. Thanks for sharing!
  48. I decided to look for a similar pedal car on the web and got totally engrossed looking at all the old cars! I found one, maker Loco with the same large and small wheels as yours has. So many to look ...
  49. gcblues thank you so much for that info! I believe this piece was originally my grandmothers, passed to my mom and passed to me. I think it is beautiful!
  50. Wow, what a great piece! Is this a child size pedal car?
  51. See more


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