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I'm having trouble saving items to my collections. Any thoughts?

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Photographs845 of 5188W w 2 to My wasps nest
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (232 items)

    can't save to collections any ideas how to remedy this? Had no problem until today. Thanks all. I guess I need 100 words. The pic is of my grandfather as a boy , I think.

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    ORIGINAL Abraham Lincoln Civil War Carte-de-Visite CDV by Anthony / Brady #O-60
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    1. SpiritBear, 7 years ago
      Wasn't working yesterday for me or Valentino, either. CW is still becoming less and less efficient and functional, I'm afraid. I REALLY like the old CW before the take-over. This new one hardly works. I sent an email, asking about their progress, yesterday, but have not heard back yet.
    2. cindyjune cindyjune, 7 years ago
      I will send an email as well. thanks for the update SpiritBear!
    3. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      I just tried and not working for me either :-( Unable to save to collection .
    4. pw-collector pw-collector, 7 years ago
      Also unable to save to collections.
    5. Windwalker, 7 years ago
      Great picture...
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Don't you understand ?! The new owners aren't making any money off of CW. I've been talking with Mani, on the side about what is going on. When you use reason, there is nothing that is hard to understand. CW produces no monetary profits for the money worshipers. There Gods demand money ! It has an insatiable appetite ! It will continue to eat it's young. Sorry people, but that's what is happening & will continue until CW is just a memory in a few minds. We can't fight their money God, --- or can we ?
    7. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      It's just a bug give it a day or two.
    8. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Wonderful photo of your dad and his pups Cindy, I love nostalgic family pictures. About collections, I never did those, but have noticed they stopped the email alerts when someone comments on your post, and I think the owners are still streamlining (it's always about cost efficiency) the site. I doubt it will become obsolete though, as our site spurs people to want something vintage they see here, then they go to auction sites to buy
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Wonderful photo !~
    10. kwqd kwqd, 7 years ago
      Great photo. As a genealogist, this makes me drool.

      After reading the above, I guess I will stop whining about my new Viking Glass category!
    11. Ben Ben, 7 years ago
      Yes, Collections has been messed up for a while. Fixing it is on the list, along with lots of other stuff (like sending you a notice when someone posts a comment on your Show & Tell item; giving users the ability to rotate photos; etc etc). Sorry!
    12. cindyjune cindyjune, 7 years ago
      Whoo! Had trouble logging in!
      Thanks for all the likes and the helpful comments. I am learning about how all this works.

      kwqd, I am crazy about genealogy also. I came from stock that lives a long time. My mom passed at 100, grandfather in the photo above in his late 80s. I have an aunt in NC who is coming up on 106 this Fall and she is doing great! These folks in my life have answered and identified many pictures. ( and I have many more to go) But still, I wish I had asked Mom more questions. I visited our local Historical Society last night searching for more. I would like to make a family tree of all the relatives who served in the military as far back as I can.
      Guess I am rambling now. Thanks for all the love folks
    13. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Sorry Cindy. Guess I/we kind of commandeered your post.
    14. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      My collections have not been working for a very long time, that is sad !~
    15. themuse themuse, 6 years ago
      I also asked about this on my horseshoe brooch post, and got a reply from Ben saying it was on the list of things to fix. Hopefully they will get to it soon
    16. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      The pic is wonderful. It looks grainy as if someone had it enlarged from a very small pic in the past. Nowadays with scanners so good, somebody would get a better enlargement of it if they took the original into a photo lab.
    17. CCord CCord, 9 months ago
      Evenin' cindyjune. I read your statement where you mentioned that you need to let some things go. Is there a way that I can contact you (email?) to discuss more? Maybe price some items for me? I'd like that. Thanks, Carol.

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