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Pair of Danish Lounge Chairs- Anyone know who made these?

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hi, I just bought these from someone and I am going to clean them up. They came with nice cushions which are wonderful. I just need to put in new straps and polish them. They are in pretty great shape otherwise, they just need some love.

    I love the shape on these. Does anyone know who made them? They are solid wood, not too heavy. Are they Teak? The curved backrest top is different. The curved, sculptural shape of these is also very distinct. I can't find any markings on them.

    Who made them? Thanks so much for any information you may have.

    Thank you!

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    1. RivertownRetro, 9 years ago
      Did you ever figure out the maker or designer? How is the restoration going? I just picked up a pair myself. This is the first match eve been able to find to them online.
    2. zoemodern, 9 years ago
      Hi, no I have not yet figured it out. Well, I am glad we are both interested in finding out, please let me know what you find and I will as well! Will you send pics of yours, too? What kinds of cushions did yours come with? What kind of shape are yours in? I looked over mine thoroughly and they are in pretty good condition, but there are a couple minor dents- what do you recommend to fix this? How will you go about restoring yours? Any tips? Last, where did you get yours? Mine are originally from California, if this helps at all. Have a good night!
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Pretty sure Teak Wood !! Love them straight from the 1960's. Had something similar at the farm. The rungs on ours were like heavy elastic and some have like canvas straps ( like yours ) for the rungs. The 2 cushions on ours were a nice wider stripe brown, greens,

      See if I can find anything.
    4. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      Most likely made in Denmark, just by the quality of the joint, also agree for teak wood, they always work with this variety of wood, for furniture.

      Great pair, love it.

    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Have not found the exact one yet -- but here are some visual ones to that art right up that alley.

      I think yours would be called a Mid Modern Teak Lounge Chair or something like that
    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      They are very pricee, as expecting for dannish furniture.
    7. zoemodern, 9 years ago
      Thanks everyone! I think they do look like the Kofod Larsen chairs, in every way, the main difference being the back- I wonder if this is a variety of the Larsen with this bowed back on mine. The shape of everything else, the legs, the arms, all looks the same. They are light and very sturdy. Walnut is much heavier, so I think these are teak as well. I am going to do a deep blue beautiful cushion on these I think. There are so many exciting fabric options, but it would be so cool to have something neutral and timeless. I also love Marimekko, and since these are Danish, that would go well. I have a gorgeous Black and White print in Marimekko. We shall see! I love that we are all obsessed or at least interested in gorgeous furniture, I am glad I found this site. Anyone who knows the exact make of this chair or can confirm if it is indeed for sure a Larsen, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much for your comments! Regards, Zoe
    8. zoemodern, 9 years ago
      They do look a whole lot like these it is true, and that is why it makes me feel that it is worth it to spend time, money and energy making these perfect again, as well as using a very rare Finnish Marimekko fabric on them!:):
    9. RivertownRetro, 9 years ago
      I am so glad I found someone else doing the same project! I found someone on ebay selling straps.

      He has our chairs pictured, but didnt remember any details about them. He offered up the possibility of them being LUX. Haven't been able to confirm it yet. I don't think mine are Kofod Larsen either for the same reasons. Also the inlay where the straps sit is different than most I have seen.

      I got mine from my parents neighbors when they moved out. The wood is in great shape! They sat unused for many years so not much wear and tear. I dont plan on doing anything to the wood. I am going to get new straps and new cusions (darkish grey, i think)

      I'll let you know if I find anything else!

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